Are you afraid of your own success? - My Response

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago


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In life, we are moved by our aspirations. We set goals, work towards them with the intention of achieving them.

Not many of these goals are actualised. Many dreams die even before they started while others were actualised after many obstacles.

The driving force for many of us is the believe that we will achieve our goals/dreams. Once they are achieved, we consider ourselves being successful in that regard.

The vision that these gaols would be achieved one day is our driving force and why we keep pushing and never give up

Success has different meanings to different people. But in a simple way, it's an achievement that occur within a specific period of time.

Like my explanation above, it also means reaching one's goal.

As an individual, am i afraid of my own success? I would say yes with explanation.

Success as an achievement seems to be the end product of every human plannings. Once we reached that part, the reality changes.

As a person, i live a simple life by going out from own freewill and at my own free time. I go to barber's shop with free mind. I sleep any time and never looked over my shoulder when walking on the street.

With success coming in, it would be a different ball game. As a success person, private life literally becomes public. This is because people will look into everything i do.


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In my immediate family, i would always be needed for everything. Africans live an extended family life. With this in mind, everybody would probably call to ask for one or two things. My 'no' means pride or stinginess!

A breadwinner of the family is often tasked more than the rest and shoulders many problems than expected.

It is hard to run away from this because there is a proverb here that one is blessed so that thousands can be blessed.

The above is my major fear because here in Africa, we believe that you can't know the true color of an individual until he becomes successful.

I haven't tested the limit of my morality neither do i know how far i can keep it together in case success come knocking.

A proverb in Africa says you can't know the true character of an individual unless he becomes rich/wealthy. So wealth is believed to be the true test of every man's character.

This part scares me more because i don't know if i can keep it together when i am successful. Would i be seen as the same person, would i change from who i was before success? Would i respect all irrespective of their statuses? Would my success not get into my head and make me miss it?

These and many other questions pops into my head each time i see my success very close.

While i still want to be successful despite this fear that troubles me day by day life, i believe i wont find out how far i can keep it together except i become successful.

It frightens me and at the same it is a must dream to achieve. So whatever the outcome might be after i became successful, i would still appreciate the fact that i was successful because it is a goal many set and few were able to achieve it.

Thanks for your time.


I love that and it's so true - that true character only shows when people have wealth. I would add, "Or nothing". The poor person who shares deep from their heart shows incredible character too.

Ponderng an anser for this question too...

A wise perspective on success and it's disadvantages thanks for sharing 💯🐒

You are welcome! Thanks for finding tine to read!

@smyle keep smiling. Nice post bro.

Thank you!

Thank you for responding to this question. You know wealth comes in many forms, money is but one of them. To me wealth is also about your health, your relationship to yourself and also with others and with the earth. It is about the love that flows in and out of your life and there is no prize on any of those things. I am so happy to learn about the many ways in which we all identify with success, we really do have so much to learn from one another. Really appreciating your prospective on this x