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RE: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ I Purchased Propane On The Black Market πŸ”₯ It Felt Like a Drug Deal πŸ’Š

in Abundance Tribe β€’ 3 years ago

The pandemic has hit us hard and some more than the others. In May last year we were running out of fresh veggies here and my garden produce came in handy though there was limited variety. Your description of the situation reminded me of that, but that was nothing close to this. We had enough and more to feed our neighbors with two little kids as well.

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A garden must be a blessing in times like these. Our landlord has a lot of land, but they are very difficult people to do with already, so I wouldn't try to grow anything here other than herbs, which we maintain a mini garden of. I think better days are surely ahead. Bless up! !ENGAGE 35

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It is indeed. Hmm do I know anything about difficult landlords? I saved and saved until I bought my own small space and grow what I wanted. Hope you can do that too. Sending you and your sweet family good thoughts and prayers.

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