Feeling Life!

in Abundance Tribe2 years ago (edited)

Happy Days Everyone!

While browsing the communities, a post caught my eye. When I opened it and read it, I came across the question "When Do You Feel Most Alive!" What an amazing question, isn't it? After the content was completely settled, I sat and thought about this question for a while. I asked myself the same question over and over. I said, "When is it when I feel alive?" It is impossible for me to give a single answer to this question. I would like to briefly answer them under the headings.


Sometimes there are moments when we get stuck and feel very inadequate due to the circumstances of life. This happens to me too. We are all human and many of us are sensitive by nature! I am one of those sensitive people. Sometimes there are moments when I feel at the bottom and feel helpless. In the past, I could not get out of this situation, I would sit and cry for days, I would feel sorry for myself. As time passed and my awareness increased, I saw that doing this was the worst thing for myself. I can still have such bad days, yes! But now in such situations, of course, I get through my bad times by finding something to keep myself alive and cheer me up.

What am I doing to feel alive?

Trying To Be A Good Person!

I try to be the best person I can. Being sensitive to the things around me and giving support to them are among my priorities. These are not just for humans. There is something else that I prioritize over people. For example, stray animals. I try to help them as much as I can. I always carry food with me, where there are stray animals, I try to feed them. Afterwards, I am very happy that I found myself useful. Afterwards, I am very happy that I found myself useful. Three things are very important to feel something. See, understand, realize! These take me to another level. It is impossible to feel alive without feeling these!


To feel!

I am aware that I will come to this world once and leave once. That's why I know that life is precious to me. I always start the day with gratitude. I am grateful for everything in my life. What I have accomplished and what I have failed to do. Thinking about these makes me feel more confident. The things that I fail to do come back to me as experiences.


Smiling is the most fun way we feel alive. Whenever I feel like it, I don't hold back and I genuinely laugh. I don't even realize how I look when I smile. In fact, I don't care! Smiling keeps my energy high.


Spending Time with Nature!

The place where I feel alive and safe the most is in the arms of mother earth. Nature helps us make sense of our lives. Nature is said to be a very powerful antidepressant. I learned this through my experience. The more time I spend with him, the more stress I get away from. If I feel overwhelmed or discouraged, I go for a walk in nature. I always come home in a high mood.

Stopping Time!

Of course, I don't have superpowers to do this, but I think that in many parts of our lives, we need to slow down time. Sometimes I spend time slowing down life without a purpose, without making a plan, without trying to catch up with something. I used to try to catch up with everything without breathing. That would be pretty tiring for me. It is an inevitable fact that we live life very fast. I think we need to take some time for ourselves and take a breather. That's why I try to take time for myself. Slowing down life gives us the feeling of being alive.

I realize that we all have different things that make us feel alive. What we like and what we enjoy doing are also different. It's up to us to find it. I hope you find your own way. I talked about things and times when I felt alive. And I hope my writing will guide you. Your experiences will guide me. I will read with great pleasure the things that make you feel alive. Thank you for everything so far!

In the meantime, you can also answer the question and share your own experiences here.

Stay with love.