
I guess ive been muted... But only the curation posts on my end are blank. I can see the others posts content like the community questions.

I don't know why that is happening, I can see them from my page hmmm, you are definitely not muted x

Maybe its the front end being used or I wonder if im still subscribed to the community and if that has something to do with it as im still ignorant as to how the community function works.

Nvm i am still subscribed to Abundance tribe

do you use Peakd?

I was looking through Peakd front end, when I went on to hive, I can see what you mean, but when I went to edit it to try and fix the problem, all my text was there, but not coming up, that is weird. Obviously problems with hive, I will investigate, thanks for letting me know xxx

Ive had so many irritating and suspicious things happen using peakd. I was advised to avoid peakd by a notiable and trustworthy person/witness of sorts. Since switching to i have had 0 problems.