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RE: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ I Purchased Propane On The Black Market πŸ”₯ It Felt Like a Drug Deal πŸ’Š

in Abundance Tribe β€’ 3 years ago

That flyer looks so retro, as if it's from the 60s. Nice to read Dutch though. "Smartboy Gasbom delivery" hahaha!

Happy for you all. The girls look so satisfied with their warm meal :<)

I actually need propane for hot water here and my bottle has been empty for over a week. It's not necessarily difficult to get one here, although it is without a car ( and I don't own one nor do I have a license ), it just hasn't been a priority for me and I forget about it all the time, as cold water is okay with the current weather.

I cook and butane though and every now and then, I run out but I never am without for more than a couple of days nor do I have such food shortage. I can only imagine how that must be with a family. Today I briefly visited my twin sister and I asked for some veggies ( as the little shop, that I went to before didn't have much more than canned peas and cucumbers and some fruit ). My sister walked to her vegetable beds and handed me two leeks, a small beet root, a lettuce and a decent sized courgette. I will give her some crypto in return. Such a blessing to be able to trade like this with my own family.

Enjoy the improved food. I really hope you can find some more ingredients soon.

Big hug!

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A hot shower is always the first thing I arrange when I visit the USA, somehow I've never had hot water in all my years abroad, except for a brief stay in an apartment in Albania. The power of a hot shower can't be overlooked. Crypto sister vegetables must be a delight, you're creating a modern village life there by doing things like this. Better days are coming soon... !ENGAGE 100

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somehow I've never had hot water in all my years abroad,

Wow. That is pretty incredible. Warm showers are indeed a blessing but we tend to over do it in the west with a warm shower daily. I don't believe that is necessary at all, in fact, it isn't even healthy for your skin.

but yeah, warm showers can be pretty powerful, especially on cold days.

Crypto sister vegetables must be a delight, you're creating a modern village life there by doing things like this.

It's quite a blessing indeed.

Sending you big hug and a lot of positive energy, my friend

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