A Terrible experience I had today.

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Hello, good people of this community. I'm thrilled to be a part of this group. I'm new here and have been doing study on ways to become more involved in the community. Some authors have encouraged me by telling me how this community has been of great assistance to them, how the excellent people here have truly been of great assistance to them, and how the nice people here have brought change to their life.
It will give me great pleasure if the individuals here can likewise make me smile; I will be overjoyed.
On the 17th of October 2021, it was a Sunday morning. I got out of bed and said some prayers; after that, I got up and went to the back side of my house, where my brother and sister were waiting for me, and I took a fabric and my phone with me. I took the fabric since my sister is a fashion designer and could help me alter it, but when I got there, she had a problem with her sandals, so I decided to pitch in. I put my phone on the chair next to us and began repairing her sandals; as I was doing so, my brother came in and we were all relieved to see him.
My brother jokingly tossed the fabric from the chair's top towards my phone and said. This fabric is interfering with my desire to sit in this chair; unexpectedly, the fabric touched my phone, causing it to slide out of the chair and fall to the ground, smashing the screen. I was so enraged that wrath began to rise in my heart, and I said it in my heart. What have I done to deserve this, a phone I only recently acquired? This is someone who finds it difficult to apologize to others, but as I saw pride creep out of his soldiers like a creature trying to flee, I felt empathy in my heart.
Then he told me that he didn't have any money to give me. He remarked to me, with a sorrowful expression on his face, that you will have enough money to fix it or buy a new one.
Please, my fellow hivers, and good citizens of this community, let me know what I can do. I have no money or in my account, and it will cost me 150 Hive dollars to fix it, and 300 Hive dollars to replace it in my currency.
A vote from you would be quite helpful to me, so please feel free to cast your vote below. Thank you for your good heart. As long as you read to the end and help, good things will always come your way.

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