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RE: Abundance Tribe's 🌲 Evergreen 🌲 Collection #2 - Breathing Life Into Paid Out Posts

Our community welcomes any culture related topics, language study related topics or interesting bilingual posts. Hive Cross Culture!. Anything of the like is welcome!

And thank you for curating my old post!!!

I'll do a much more direct personal outreach to the Spanish community from the end of the month when I switch my 30 day language project to Spanish.

How long?
for 1000 years!!!


Awesome. I shall take a look later - I come across MANY people posting bilingually who could also benefit from some English language support. It is my 3rd language. LOL. Just zooming out to DHL - will have a look-see later. Perhaps @neyxirncn could help you co-author a promo for Spanish community? She is out new @naturalmedicine Spanish language curator. We're also looking for some Spanish delegators to NM btw... Any ideas?? Spreading out vote much more thinly means we need some Spanish community HP juice.

If my experience with the Spanish community is anything like my experience with NM I think I will be meeting a lot of people through dedicating 30 days of posts to a huge part of our community :-D Hopefully i run into a few people who are interested. @neyxirncn is awesome! I hope to connect more with her.