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RE: How We Achieve Wholeness: Paying Attention & Embodiment

Living in an eternal state of worry and anxiety is not what we are destined for, and it has a nasty tendency to feed on itself because then we even start worrying about "worrying too much!"

The Internet is a marvelous invention (I say this as a dedicated "nerd!") but it has done us little favor in the sense of serving as a way for many people to spend too much time in their heads; in their thoughts, and thus become quite ungrounded.

I love working in my vegetable garden not just because it helps us grow great food, but because it allows me to get my hands and feet in the dirt. And that matters!

Bright Blessings!


Oh yeah believe me I worry about feeling anxious!!!

I walk a fine line between tech and freedom from tech, that's for sure!!! Balance in all things.

Same same - the vegetable garden and great outdoors is my saviour.

Love and light back atcha x