All are wrong, and you're right? ...Be exceptional to create your prevailing.

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Brothers, there is the prevailing and general.
These people say: Is it possible that all these people, in their different fields, endorse this fact or this reality and be wrong?! Impossible!
All of them are wrong, and you're right?

These people forget that what prevails today, maybe 100 years ago, was considered a myth, a legend, and scientific nonsense but today is right.

How did the change happen? Not by the will of the people... Not because people wanted to change... Not because people have discovered the truth... Incorrect ...
The change was happened by the extraordinary who Free from all these eyebrows: the prevailing, general, and common all these eyebrows that obscure the human to knowing the truth...

There are always exceptional people, and these are the rebel who has the courage to ask the question that has not yet been asked: why and How. Although they will be accused of stupidity and will be isolated by the scientific community or even the general community. But in the end, some of them prove him right.

Copernicus did it, for example, then prove that he was right, ... Einstein did it, and prove was right, even though humanity for thousands of years was befriending exactly the opposite of what they said. But this extraordinary did it.

Be exceptional to create your prevailing. If people see you as eccentric, you come up with ugly ideas with unacceptable ideas that contradict the prevailing. Excellent... Keep doing it. Because in the end, you may create a prevailing of others even after 100 years.

keep your eccentric......

from pixabay

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Beyourself is the best way to grow and contribute to others, to the world and make it better.

Good post amigo, in with you !

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