Friday Mushroom Walk


The rainy season is the best time for mushroom hunting. You don't have to go into the forest to find them. Even in the parks, mushrooms are so easy to find. In other words, the rainy season has turned the parks into a mushroom paradise. Yeah, that's happened recently in my town, Lhokseumawe.

These pictures were taken by me a few days ago while passing through a park. When I cast my gaze over into the park, I could clearly see some blushing wood mushrooms (Agaricus silvaticus) sticking out there. They grow quite prominently among the grass and fallen leaves.





After taking pictures for a few clicks, I rushed to the other corner because I thought I would definitely find more mushrooms. Well, my guess turned out to be right! In addition to the blushing wood mushrooms, it turns out that there are also parasol mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera). They grow in groups on the grass. Some of them look like rows of domed towers. Yes, they are mushrooms whose caps haven't been opened wide.










That's the mushroom walk experience that I want to share with you. Happy Fungi Friday!

CameraXiaomi Poco X3 NFC Smartphone
CategoryNature Photography
ProcessedMobile Lightroom
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia

Awesome photos! Very cool - I love the look you captured...the darkness is very cool

Thank you for the compliment. I see your work is also very cool. I think I can also learn a lot from you. 🙂

Right back at you, my friend! I like the perspectives you capture!

excelentes fotografías / great photographs

Gracias amigo 😃

Cool editing :)

Thank you. Still trying to learn how to edit images 😁

Just have fun with them and experiment :)

Thanks again, buddy 🙂

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