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RE: Pastel (a good?) colour for Yamaha

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]2 months ago

So much activity in a short time!!!

The information.... well, many times there is great censorship or misinformation... and those photographs that circulate, some... are not real.

But the most important thing is boredom.... no not the piano! That's the most beautiful thing, it's a shame no one touched it...

I'm glad you're better!😊


Yes, someone must have played the piano, but I didn't see it because I had to leave because I was feeling sick.

In one way or another disinformation has always been present in society. Governments and politicians manipulate this at will.

Greetings and good afternoon, @avdesing.

Exactly, it has always been present, and lately much more so....

I hope you are doing well right now!🤗

Desperté hace un rato con malestar todavía y tomé unas sales de Picot. Estaré mejor en unas horas. Gracias, amiguita.
