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RE: Does traditional social media stifle creativity?

Hmmm, I don't that I would say other platforms stifle creativity, but I do think it's very possible to get pigeon-holed into one genre or medium by following and interacting with others who are into the same thing. This may hinder people to explore different creative outlets.
I like to think that HIVE isn't for lazy people, and it takes a bit more work than other platforms, and this can, in turn, foster creativity.


I think those are really good points Casey. Perhaps I was looking at things from the wrong direction when I titled the post... I could have called it something like - 'Does Hive Encourage Creativity More Than Traditional Social Media Platforms'. That would have sounded more positive and less click baity.

I quite often find it hard to articulate all the thoughts that buzz around in my head with words, and am hoping that writing about photography (and other things) on Hive, will help me learn to express my thoughts in a more orderly way. I could do with someone like yourself to proof read things for me before I hit publish. :)