A Chinese/Thai temple atop the hill

Greetings Earthlings and fellow Hivers! This morning was so beautiful I went for a walk up the hill to a small temple on top that not even most locals know about. The view is quite amazing and the air is fresh and cool.


The start of the hike

Well I say this is the start but actually these stairs are already at the top of the road. The temple is even higher up the hill.

IMG_20210422_095528.jpg Beginning of the stairs at the radio station

IMG_20210422_095431.jpg The radio station

IMG_20210422_095438.jpg Radio tower

So up we go! Luckily the stairs are well shaded so even though they are quite steep and rather long at least they're not in the sun!

IMG_20210422_095542.jpg Steps

Chinese/Thai temple

Phuket has a large Chinese/Thai population and although there are many separate Chinese and Buddhist temples, this one is a real mix of the two.

IMG_20210422_100115.jpg Chinese Gods

IMG_20210422_100027.jpg Stairs to the Buddhas

Top of the hill

The monks have made a nice little sitting area with a table and some bowls. The view is of south Phuket.

IMG_20210422_100213.jpg View with bowls

IMG_20210422_100234.jpg View with a bowl

A dog's bath time

Its not every day you see a dog getting a bath especially by a monk. Temples in south Thailand all have a large number of dogs. The dog kept trying to get away but he gently but firmly held her in place while washing.

IMG_20210422_100419.jpg A monk giving a dog a bath.

Time to head home

As nice as the temple is I need to go home so down the hill I go. Along the way I saw..

IMG_20210422_100013.jpg A monk's candle

IMG_20210422_101636.jpg A Chinese grave

IMG_20210422_101501.jpg Another Chinese grave

Actually at the bottom is a large Chinese graveyard which merits its own post in itself. Another time!

Thanks for checking out my photos and hope you enjoyed!

Please upvote and reblog!


Somehow I missed this post. These views and scenes got me missing Southeast Asia very much.

Yeah it has its own unique style over here. Hope you all make it back soon enough.