Getty Stats for November!

Time once again to share some statistics on my Getty Images Stock Photography monthly statement!

A total of 107 sales for the month of November

My highest sale was this image for $102.63


This is one of those images where I wasn't sure how it would go. It's got nice light and is generic enough to be used for a variety of reasons. It has sold 15 times since its first sale in Feb 2018. That's the thing with having stock photos and shooting specifically generic images. When you capture the shot, you have no idea whether it's going to sit there and make no money, or sell for hundreds of dollars or more over the years. You do start to get a feel for what works better than others. But who knows! And it is very little effort when I'm out taking photos for other reasons, grabbing a few more for stock is easy.

These are all the images that sold:


Basic backgrounds were definitely prevalent this month, but in a surprise twist, the photos carried the bulk of the revenue.

With one more statement to come out in January for December sales, I'm already ahead of sales and revenue from 2020. I always go through phases of motivation with Getty. When I have a good month/year I'm always keen to put more effort into increasing my portfolio and improving. But it's nice to know that even if I do nothing from now, I'll still have a nice passive income that I can assign to various expenses and say "Getty will pay for that."

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You're doing very well on Getty images. I've tried to sign up to sell stock images and all on shutter stock but with little success.

I think I was fortunate because ages ago Getty signed up users from Flickr. It can be difficult to get in with the bigger stock agencies now. As they want perfect photos in your application, then they accept pretty much anything when you're in