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RE: Does traditional social media stifle creativity?

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]3 years ago

read your post with great pleasure.

I also need to get back into the city for some Londonscapes...


none of this would have occurred to me, if...
the algorithms on Instagram and Twitter, while useful, are also a hinderance. I now prefer Hive

yes! you know, I am amateur photographer too, and it was Steemit that boosted greatly developing of my photo skills (and shooting in the .raw format, which I avoided before as much as I could).

btw my wife's occupation is exactly 2D animator (she is doing kid'z cartoons. sweet!).


Glad that you enjoyed the read @qwerrie :)

That's such a coincidence that your wife is also an animator!!!!! You make a creative couple. :) Now I know who to ask if I need any 2D animation advice....

I've met lots of different photographers on Hive that the Twitter algorithm would not have suggested. For example, the light painting scene on here is amazing! It's so refreshing isn't it?! :)


well, she is not very good in English, and transcribing alll this special vocabulary can be a mess, so perhaps asking her would not be the best idea ;) she works in Adobe Animate and does have some knowledge, but it is not very 'transportable' , I should admit 😁

:) I understand. :)

I actually did a free trial of Adobe Animate a few weeks ago. I had learned a bit of Flash years back, but I couldn't remember any of it, and the program has no doubt changed as it evolved into Animate. Then a proper paid job came in, so I had to stop playing, and now the trial has expired. I am tempted to purchase the subscription, but not sure I can really justify the expense, as it wouldn't be a commercial thing for me.... Food for thought though!!! 😀