
He or she looks beautiful, what a multi color beauty!

Hello @joetunex - Rainbow Lorikeets, they really are quite amazing , Love feeding them every day

I will derive joy feeding them myself

Wow! With visitors like that you can´t live in my part of the world :-). Thx for sharing.

Hi @classe - I get these every day, at the moment we have a pair that come every day and they have started (in the last week ) to bring their baby as well :)

That is awesome! We have a host of magpies flying around and making noice every now and then :-)

Beautiful! His colors or so vibrant. It's amazing what beauty nature brings us when we tune in & take the time to be more present & aware. :)

I have always loved it when nature comes to me and I have had a trillion experiences :)

It's amazing how Gaia gives back. The sun and being outside helps so much when I feel blah or even upset lol. It recharges my soul. 💚