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RE: Questions for the Community - Nakedness

Humanity needs to reconnect with their skin and nature.

Many people cover up instead of being positive about their bodies and skin.

There is a traumatizing cycle of abuse that is deeply troubling from being told to constantly cover up your skin.

Humans are obsessed with nudity but degrade people who practice it daily?

Feel free to post or continue to use the daretothink tag as humanity definitely needs to start thinking about this topic. And understand nudeism is naturism which is humanism and is acceptable and not a bad thing.


Thank you so much for that wonderful reply! Exactly! It's an important component of a slave system; taking that which is natural, beautiful, and sacred, then twisting and distorting it, and using it against people. People are weaponized against themselves (and each other) and and their own humanity without realizing it. I work and stand for our Whole Natural (Naked) Divine Humanity. 🙏 💚