in MCGI Cares Hive11 months ago



Greetings brethren i am so delighted with the words that came across us with the topic how to call on God, God is not one who can lie nor a motter man but is a spirit we feel in our heart so when calling on him we do that with maximum respect and a total heart submission, he even said in all we find our self we should give thanks to God I pray and wish us well as we continue to hear from our amiable Brother Eli Soriano may God bless you more In Jesus name ( Amen)at the course of the teaching I have learned some few things which is discuss below:


He mention how to call on God is the topic of the day, how do we call up to God? that is the question, we call up to God through prayers and submission because we can pray and be calling up to God but he will take our calls for joke because we did not submit to him they only way God can help us is when we call up to him God is not man when he promise us he will fulfil it let's look at the life of Abraham in the bible when God promise him a child, he submit to God from his heart and even God came to him to interact with him just because of his submission but along the way his couldn't wait for that and ask him to do against God wish but still God did not left him till he bless him so if God promise us and it did not come at the time we need it we should not compromise we should keep waiting and watching as far as we are submissive he do what his says at his own time and the time he thinks will be best for you.

we should not believe in any how spirit because there are false teachers or prophet that they don't teach what is in the bible they only teach about progress they don't tell people the truth they only deceive people with miracle and be confusing there mind to hate people beside them you will hear them saying this person is planning to kill you don't talk with him always before you know now that particular person will be your enemies even though is your brother in the bible Jesus did not tell people that they are witch infact even when he knows the person that will betray him he did not hated him instead pray for him so I could be imagining were are this prophet getting there words.
(1John 4:1, 2Peter 2:1, Eclesiates 7:27, 1Thesalonians 5:22, Romans 12:9)

Praying to God is a commandments the command there is a prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God that is if a sinner is offering a sacrifice to him is like he is wasting his time let take us back to reflect Cain and Abel when Cain is sacrificing to God he select things that are good from his stoke and Abel took his time to select the biggest out of his cows and slaughter and presented to God immediately God accepted Abel Sacrifice and left Cain Sacrifice after all Cain plan to kill Abel so you are seeing you are seeing the sacrifice of a sinner instead of him to sit down and ask God for his fault but he went ahead to kill his brother so once one is a sinner God doesn't accept his sacrifice but if a sinner is coming for repentance God is happy.
(Mathew 6:7-8, Psalms 95:2, Mathew 15:34, John 9:31)

Praying to God has Statutes and Discipline, when praying to God as a lady she have to cover her head well with hair tie and dress decent some are very familiar with this scripture that God does not look at the outward appearance but the heart yes God look at the heart but can you dress half naked and go to the prayer house? no let's tell our selves the truth in some churches like Living Faith they don't cover there hair they even wear trouser to church although to them is normal but to God is not okay if we are praying to God we have to dress decent as a lady cover your hair well. there is a girl that if she goes out and come back home she knelt down and pray to God and say if her appearance makes men to lost after her may God forgive her. As a man when praying to God we have to remove our cap or anything that cover our head and also dress well

Repeatition of prayer is not good some will pray and say God please help to stop this particular sin on like smoking, fornication, adultery and so on but after the prayer he will still go out to do it again and still come back and pray to God that he should help them to stop brothers and sisters God doesn't listen to this kinds of prayer is a prayer of lack of unseriousness you will be praying for particular thing but there is not changes everyday God will not be happy with that. When we are praying we should not be like pharasees that they want everybody to see them praying if we are doing so we are not glorifying God instead of man and our ministers in the church or ministry we attend.
(1Corinthians 11:4-5, Corinthians 11:3-10)

thank you for reading God bless you all

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