in MCGI Cares Hive11 months ago (edited)



Greetings brothers and sisters in the vineyard of God I warmly acknowledge the presence of God in our life through the life of our concern brother in person of Eli Soriano I pray you shall see God faithfulness all the time. I was not able to follow to the end yesterday due to my battery and issue of no light in our side but I really thank God I was able to get little which is discuss below


Our daddy is emphasizing about prayer that is prayer has more effect and valued in our life that everyone have to be a partaker because prayer make one strong in his faith and prayer is the way and the key to sucess. Prayer is the request not a story telling to God and remember this we are to pray without ceasing and supplication. even Jesus before finishing his mission on earth he pray to God that is even though he is the son of God he pray to God too so let's exhibit the character of praying always even by the road side any were we find our self we should pray to God.
Prayer is the only way we can be free from bondage of any evil doer, our life is safe if we pray hard if there is man to pray there is God answer if paraventure we lost the glory of we kneel down to pray again he is ready to hear us again so let's focus more on our life and prayer life is very important to us.
(Philippians 4:6, Mark 11:24, Mathew 6:36, 1Timothy 4:4-5, Mathew 6:7-8)

He also spoke about fasting and prayer but first with the way I understand fasting is total surrender to God it means that if we fast and Pray we telling God to hear us in rapid state, God is beyond our problem except if we did not state it to him in couple of prayer, prayer has maximum impact to our life. If we really want to enjoy our life we should live with the fear of the Lord and prayer gives us light it make us courageous let's look in the case of people of Israelite they have been praying that God should help them but God did not answer them immediately so God have to see your sincerity first because sometimes you can pray and findout that the response has not yet come God said 100 days is like one day to him we should just be praying without ceasing and God will surely hear us.

Fasting is not just procrastination but willing heart and if one is not careful when fasting he will end up sinning against God because some can say am fasting any body that ask them or even though that they did not ask them they will be telling people that am fasting by such doing we taking our reward that is suppose to be given by God we taken it to our self on a personal ground if we are fasting we should take our bath and wash our face so that no body will know we are fasting is just between us and our God only and also faith is very important in our daily life's in life we are suppose to have faith that if we do this it will surely come to pass but some can pray and fast but don't have faith we see that as useless so I urge us all to pray without ceasing
(2Timothy 2:22, Ephesians 4:31, 1Peter 3:12-19, Act 24:26, Thessalonians 5:7, Luke 18:1)

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