MCGI Mass Indoctrination || December 18th, 2024.

Brother Eli today spoke on a very important note. Truly, we never can tell what the next person we seat to at church is like or who he is. In some congregations, we have some people who smoke weed, who engage in domestic violence of all kinds and even people who engage in behaviors that God never wants us to. Some of us may know that some people are like this in the house of the Lord but Brother Eli has made us realize that it is very good and important to report such people in the church. If they are reported, they will be banished from the church.

Proverbs 19:26 says, “He who does violence to his father and chases away his mother is a son who brings shame and reproach.

This isn’t just a Bible quote but things happening in real life. From what Brother Eli said, he mentioned that in the olden days church, there is no form of sin allowed in the Bible. Once you commit a sin, you will be banned from going to the church.
Well, I think this makes sense so that if someone who has such attitude is reported to the church, he will not be able spread such behavior amongst people of ghe church. This is one of the reasons why they have to be reported.

Also, reporting such incidents and behaviors can make them change their ways. Some people never know the gravity of what they have done until there is someone who tells them what they have done and they eventually find a way to change their ways.

The church is not just a place to worship God but slso a place where we can change our way. As Christians, if we find someone whose behavior does not align with God, we should report so that they can be changed people. There is enough space for everyone to change.


So many people act like they are flowing with what the pastor said and they act like the best listeners but it’s all lies
God doesn’t want that

That’s right
So many people forget what they learn in church the moment they leave the church

The church is not a hiding place for criminals and If someone doesn't undergo genuine repentance, then he/she should be shown the door.

At all
Anyone who has a bad behavior should try to repent