Mass indoctrination day four(4) held on zoom on the 2/2/2023


Beloved i welcome you once again to my blog in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I will be sharing with us what i learnt from today’s preaching….. It’s a continuation of yesterday topic.

I learnt that a prayer is a request and supplication unto God, the Bible recorded that when the disciples were finding a replacement for Judas Iscariot they prayed to God for direction, your prayer to God should be build on faith’ have faith that your prayer will be answered…. Many churches have different style of praying “This is not an offence to the Catholic body”…. The Catholic always tell the holy Mary mother of God to pray for all sinners and they say it repeatedly, and this often sound like a story telling every time’ you should pray to God and not holy Mary, God answer’s prayers and not holy Mary the mother of Jesus’ prayer is a commandment from God and not story telling every time… For instance” if you are about to eat ,thank God for the provision of the food and ask him to bless and satisfy the food, not recite hail Mary the mother of Jesus to pray for all sinners it’s doesn’t connect, we should be mindful the kind of pray we offer God.
Luke 18:7
We shouldn’t wait to be in a difficult situation before we pray, for the Bible says” we should pray without ceasing we are ought to pray everyday of our lives because we always have a reason to pray, waking up every morning it’s a great reason to pray and thank God….. Pray without ceasing doesn’t necessarily means you should repeat every word consistently, this mean we should pray day and night because we have reasons to thank God, for he’s protection upon our live when we sleep at night,and thank him for a fruitful day and for he’s protection.
1 Peter 3:10-12
If you must pray to God it should be with a pure heart this is the only way God will answer your prayers, and don’t pray with a guilty conscience….. if you have committed a sim and asked for forgiveness be convinced that God have forgiven you, don’t have a double mind that God have not forgiven you and as such he will not answer your prayers “No” just have it in mind that God have forgiven you and pray with a clean conscience’ our God is a merciful God.
1 Peter 3:7
As a couple you need each other for God to answer your prayers, the Bible say’s “two have become one” as a husband if you maltreat your wife or cheat and dishonour her the Lord will not answer your prayers, likewise the wife’ you have to purify yourselves as couple before kneeling down and pray to God else your prayer is in vain.
Ephesians 4:31
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God said “this is my beloved son in whom am well pleased” God has already placed a great authority in the name of Jesus…… Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life,no one comes to the Father except through me” (john 14:6) pray and have faith in Jesus Christ name and God will answer your prayers.