Mass indoctrination day three (3) held on zoom on the 1/3/2023


Beloved i welcome you to my blog in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s a great privilege to be sharing with you once again what i learnt from today’s preaching held on zoom meeting.

I learnt that there are so many false preacher’s who have gone out their to preach the wrong doctrines of Christ, and this will lead so many people to hell. The only doctrine we should listen to is the doctrine taught by Christ himself, the Bible say’s “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” we should be very mindful the kind of preacher we choose to learn the doctrine’s of Christ from so they don’t lead us astray, if you must listen to any preacher first try and read the Bible yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:12
Check that which is good and evil and abstain from that which is evil….. evil doer’s don’t end well. Prayer is a commandment of Christ and you don’t just pray how you want, prayer have principles’ many people pray wrongly and expect answers from God’ their prayer is in vain, if the person praying is evil the Lord will not hear him.. the prayer an evil man is an abomination unto God but the prayer for a righteous man pleases God.
Matthew 6:7-8
When you pray don’t keep repeating every word of your prayer cuz even before you pray God has already know what you want’ he just need to hear it from you,God is not deaf nor dumb that he can’t hear you… Jesus prayed to God and it’s was not recorded that he prayed repeatedly and still God answer him with speed, do not be in haste to pray to God even when you are in a tensed situation be relaxed and trust God cuz he already knows you are in such situation.
Let your prayer be related to the situation that you are in, if you are in an accidental situation your prayer should be about God’s guidance and safety, and not telling God “give us this day our daily bread” don’t pray standing so that men will see you’ though it is not prohibited to pray while standing cuz some situation might made you stand while praying, but it is more honourable to pray to God on your kneels’ the early Christians in the Bible pray on their kneels it’s was more of a tradition to them, God is the almighty and we must honour him on our kneels while praying to him either requesting something from him or thanking him.
Matthew 26:39
The early Christians even fell on their faces before God to pray, that’s how much they honour God, kneeling down to pray to God is an act of humility and simplicity, if you can kneel to the prince of England and bow to your president talk more of God almighty who created you both, the preachers out there are ought to teach their congregation the importance of kneeling down to pray to God cuz that’s the true doctrine’s of Christ.