Mass indoctrination day two (2) held on zoom on the 31/1/2023


Beloved i welcome you all once again to my blog,today i will be sharing with us what i learnt from today’s preaching via Live zoom meeting.

I learnt that in the advent of opening a church for the service of Christ we should ensure that the sole purpose of that church is to glorify God, some open a church with a name that is questionable’ if you must open a church you should wait on the Holy Spirit for revelation to direct, guide and lead you on it, same goes with you want to name the church….. The name of the church of God should represent God’ not just anyhow name.
John 11:52
We only have one body of Christ which is the church while Jesus is the head, it doesn’t matter where the church is located in the world so long the church represents Christ and use for he’s purpose.
Timothy 3:5
As a preacher or priest whichever title you hold in the church you must be a good example to your congregation to emulate,you shouldn’t exhibit a certain character that doesn’t represent God because you are God’s anointed to that congregation.
Timothy 3:15
As a preacher of God’s word, it doesn’t matter how many numbers you have in your church,your preaching should be based on what is written in the Bible and the doctrine’s on Christ, don’t be carried away by the numbers of your congregation and you went to start preaching what will favour them but offend God just to please them” No” anyone who leave because you preached the true doctrine’s of Christ was never meant to be there..Don’t preach to please men’ preach to please God.
Roman 1:27
There are so many religions on earth, and people even worship different creatures and call it their religion’ it doesn’t make sense to worship a creature that was created by God….. God have given us dominion over all the creatures on this earth Genesis 1:26” how can you be worshiping what you have dominion over, having dominion means you have authority and control over them, but reverse is the case for some people’ the creatures you should have dominion over now control’s you…. Some worship fish,snakes,lizards and many other’s, this doesn’t make sense and it’s a sin onto God.
The only true religion is Christianity…… christianity is more than a religion it’s rather the body of Christ and Jesus is the head,we all need to come together in unity as Christians and as a church, the church of God have been here for ages and it’s will be here still eternity still Jesus come again.
There’s a saying that “what you don’t know is bigger than you”the church and Bible have been here for ages and it will still be here when we are gone,. The only way we will know the word of God is to study and meditate on them and attend Church were they preach the true doctrine’s.