MCGI cares held on zoom on the 23/1/2023


Beloved i welcome you all to my blog in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s a great privilege for me to be here again today and the enlightenment of the word of God i have received for free from today’s teaching.
I learnt that in the course of our charity outreach we should be kind to the needy that we are privileged to help, we should treat them as human that they are and be friendly’ we are only privileged to help them and not better than them as human, God created everyone of us in he’s own image and likeness and we are all equal in the eyes of God,when doing the charity outreach know that you are doing the work of God and don’t expect any rewards from the needy but from God who sent you.
Galatians 6:11
Be involved in the act of kindness all the time, we shouldn’t do good to only those who so good to us or our relative’s, we should do good to all even our enemies’ if you have the word of God you doing good should be a habit.
Galatians 6.2
As the body of Christ we should come together and do the work of God according to the teachings of Christ in the Bible, we shouldn’t expect anything from each other but have in mind our rewards is from God,togetherness in the body of Christ set the kingdom of satan in confusion.
Job 38:7
The earth is the Lord and it’s fullness there of, God created this world to he’s own design and structure everything God created has it’s own time of function and use, it’s a sin to question God on the way some certain things are created’ God has a plan as he’s way’s are not our way’s’God knows how our day will start and end.
There are people who do good and are kind to humanity but die untimely is still God’s plan,everyone have a purpose in life so when we are done serving this purpose God will call us to heaven, sometimes if kind people stay too long in this earth they might go against God and go into sin and that will be a great loss to God, so sometimes it’s the will of God for them to meet him in heaven.
But sometimes the good and kind people who die untimely are not necessary the will of God, some don’t take care of their health’ it’s always good and necessary for us to take good care of our health, some actually die out of negligence and such death is a painful death’ as you are doing the assignment of our Lord Jesus Christ by doing good to your fellow man we shouldn’t forget to take care of our own health, like the say” health is wealth”
1 John 3:17
A little act of kindness can add a great value to our life, you don’t need to be ask before you do good to others, if you see a person who doesn’t have a shoe on and you have two peers you should be kind enough to give that person one peer he doesn’t have to ask before you give them,if you see your neighbour who haven’t eaten and you have enough food please give some out and help the needy, God give you enough so you can give those who don’t have.
This is the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Thanks be to God for always participating brother @eddispace

It’s my pleasure Brother hiro,thank God