Hello the members of the #mcgicares community here on hive, i've actually been on the look out for a reviews for days now, the reason is i love been part of these discuss having to share my own take or perspective from my own part of the globe, recall i said one time christianity has adopt its own different dynamics from different believes doctrines, culture and tradition of these different countries, even in the midst of all these chaos we as believers amd true christians ought to draw our ideologies or believes from the bases of the scripture, cause we all know that every scripture was inspired by the holy spirit.

I would cut this piece of cake before us from a different perspective, to be careful enough not to go beyond, but to stay guided by the teachings of Bro Eli.

First off, let's go back in time in order to understand the subject matter of if they are one or different person, Now since we were created in the very same image and likeness of God, it means we function and act like God, the only difference been The Human Body a physical structure which was created to enable us leave on earth, own it cultivate and literally live on the earth, but God is a spirit which dwells in the heavens with no physical form or structure.

The human being is made up of three component The Spirit
The Soul all these dwell inside
The Body.

Will it be safe to say all these component in a man are different on their own or they are the same or one with the man cause they are all in his body!...remember we were created in the same "image and likeness" as God...Genesis 1:26.

Recall John's Account

This is talking about Jesus, the word of God

Also in the account of the creation in genesis 1, the bible says

here referring to the spirit of God

I had to draw this analogy to pain this picture of the trinity...recall every human has three personalities the soul, the spirit and the body,this called trinity, this is the way God exist in three personalities or form, God-The father, God-The Son, God-The Holy Spirit, these trinity exist as one, recall when God was about to create man he had to make a consultation and said.."LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE AND AFTER OUR LIKENESS".

This is God existing in different forms, jesus was his word creating everything as he spoke, while his spirit was hovering over the waters, all these is God in different forms or format, this is exactly what transpired at the river jordan while jesus was been baptised by John.

Here jesus!.. had to take the humane form so he can fulfill the redemption plan, recall that jesus was implanted by the spirit of God, it was all Gods plan to fulfill his promise to redeem man back to himself by creating a body for his word to be fulfilled.

My review is base on the biblical stand point and reference