Live MCGI Care Event hold on 21st of February 2023

Good afternoon Brethrens may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all Amen, glory be to God almighty for another wonderful teaching from brother Daniel on the MCGI Care Event hold on zoom meeting.


Into the station I learnt from 1st Timothy 3:15 it says but if I carry long, that we might know how to behave themselves in the Church of God which is the pillar and the truth of God, here is simply clean us that whenever we are in the presence of God which is in the house of God we should behave ourselves and respect the teachings we should always listen like some people will be pressing their phone chatting laughing without listening to the word of God why they are in the churches in the Church of God, why some instead of listening to the word of God they'll be sleeping, brother Daniel made it clear that it is not good that's all.


Just like in this passage above it says whosoever that will do the will of God that person is my brother my sister and my mother that was what was Jesus Christ Sayed.
In 2nd Peter 1:21 it says but the prophecy come not in Old Time by the will of Man, but only man are moved as they speak by the holy Ghost.

I also learnt from the petition today that there is no man on earth that is free from sin, so all we need to do is to always listen to the word of god so that his grace we are by with us and our son will be reduced and forgiven. Just like in 1st John 1:8 he says if we say we have no sin in us that means we are deceiving yourself and the truth is not in US.

Brother Daniel also went ahead saying we should forgive one another that offends us so that God will also forgive us our own sin that if a man hits you 77 * 7 that is how you can forgive without hitting back. Because if we don't forgive one another God Almighty will not forgive us our own sin so we should be kind to one another so that God will be kind to us and show us mercy and Grace.

Please Brethrens we want you to come and listen to our doctrines and teachings of the lord Jesus Christ which is our mass indoctrination service.


We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link