Live MCGI Care Event hold on 24th February 2023

Good afternoon brother's and sister's of church of God international,may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all Amen, glory be to God almighty for another wonderful teaching from brother Daniel on the MCGI Care Event hold on to zoom meeting.


From the teachings today on the MCGI Care brother Daniel talked about respect that we should respect our parents. I'm listening to whatever they tell us which is in the doctrines of Christ the same way that parents should not provoke your children to wrath but bring them up in the ways of the Lord.


What this passage is simply telling us is that whatever we do as parents that our children are watching us and they're learning from us so we should always do what is right for them to learn bring them up in the ways of God so that once they grow up they won't depart from it teach them to respect change time to obey.

From the kitchen island to him 1st Peter 3:12 it says here that the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to hear their prayers for his face against those who do evil. So we'll be we should be righteous all the time for God to always look up on us and show us mercy and we should be prayerful too for his always ready and his ears open to hear our prayers and do it for us for whatever we ask as a righteous person will be done for us. Also in Proverbs 6:23 it says for the commandments is a lamp and the law is light reprove of instructions are ways of life.

What I also learnt from the teachings in the MCGI Care was that we should bear ye one another's burdens and fulfill the law of Christ. This passage is just telling us that we should be our brother's keeper we should care for them provide for the needy she does that doesn't have clothes stores that doesn't have care for one another that is the doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ which is the greatest we should show love to one another Galatians 6:2.

In teachings brother Eli also gave some illustrations from the Bible in in Proverbs 6:6 it says that we should be here Thursday and that got us food in the dry season and it's in the raining season but yet they don't have kings and queens someone that guides them and give them authority on what to do.

Thanks brother for coming around on my page I am inviting you to our mass indoctrination service coming up very soon we should all learn the word of god as there are a lot to be learnt and we should always be doing it you should not be the hearers of the word but the doers of the word of God.


We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link