Live worship service hold on 17th February 2023

Good afternoon Brethrens may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all Amen, glory be to God almighty for another wonderful teaching from brother Daniel on our live worship service hold on the zoom meeting.


From the live worship service that was hold I learned so much from it in James 5:16 it says that we should confess our faults to one another and pray for one another that we may be healed. Casting all your care upon him that he careth for you. In simple terms what this passage is just trying to tell us is that we should do everything together we should do everything as Brothers as bredrin in common we should do it together as is brethren in the member of Church of God.

I also learned in John 4:14 he says that who so ever drink drinks from the water I shall give to you will not thirsty. The water I shall give in him will be in him a well of water that shall last everlasting. In John 6:35 is also says Jesus is the bread of life that whosoever believeth in him will not hunger or thirsty. And Jesus said unto them very very very I say unto you except you eat the blood and flesh of the son of God you have no life in you.

I also learnt that the words of God is life which he speaks on to us is just like spirits that you speaks on to us as he says it is the spirit that quickeneth The flesh profits nothing the word I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life John 6:63.

For I also learnt in John 15:5 that Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches that whosoever abides in him and Jesus in him we bear much fruit and without Jesus you are nothing.



In this passage is there just telling us that we should hear the word of god and do it not that we should hear it and throw it away that when we hear the word of god and do it we are off those good seeds that fell on a group ground a fruit once we do the word of God we are definitely going to bear good fruits for God by bringing people close to God that is how we get our fruit and our light will shine everywhere we go.

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