What I learnt during the #MCGI Bible study few hours ago made me feel safe in God.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago (edited)


The Bible was not written in favour of any man, it was written to guide and order our steps as Christians not to make mistakes. most parent knowingly or unknowingly push their children to many dangerous practice, it was recorded in the Bible that such act is possible, the Bible called it "provoke"

This was personal reflected me, during my young age as a child, most times I was never appreciated by my mum, no matter what I did at home, like the way she will always appreciate my elder and younger brother, "God bless you, thank you"

Every child feels strong when they are appreciated by their parents.

As a child then, I was not feeling really good with such an attitude, so I stopped doing those things at some point except I was forced to do so.

At some point I became used to being forced before doing things, not really home choice.

I can't really tell if it was knowingly or unknowingly, but during the course of this, my motives changed to being forced before you do something,

because if you do them on your own no one will appreciate you for it, which was a bad motive.

God knows that provoking your child can also lead them to the wrong path in life, that was why he said this chapter

I will also try as a father to treat my children equally, because I have been a victim of this, I will tell u it wasn't easy

Secondly, what I learnt from the #mcgi Bible study.

About 99% of Christians want to make heaven but none of them want to die, including me.
But I learnt something today, when I was meditating, I found out that, even the greatest olcott men who lived as if the whole world was in their hands died one day and became late,

Most times, the solution to problems of men are clearly stated in the word of God, as simple as "the fear of God" the fear of God has an ability to prolong a man's life.

This is no longer an hypothesis or theory, God is the only one that has lived from the beginning of creation till this moment.
God said In this chapter

This means that, there is another life after death, and that life is on condition, you have to pass the judgement before getting into the good part of that life( heaven),

God had promised this life before the world began. The key to access this eternal life is death, a man has to die and then judgement, and it is impossible for God to lie

The mystery behind death is that we can't tell the time and the day it will come,
This means that, we have to be prepared to get access to the good part (heaven) of this life after death and judgement,

And we can only get into the good part of life after death and judgement by abstaining from sin as a born again Christian and having self control as a Christian to avoid falling into sin.

According to the Bible, it is appointed unto men once to die, since we know that we will all die, is it not wise enough that we live right as Christians, we love and exhibit self control to avoid falling into sin?

Finally I want to let you know that we will still meet again after death, let us try our best to ensure that we all meet in heaven by abstaining from sin,

Thanks for reading, God bless you all


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

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