Lessons from MCGI CARES PROGRAM Held on Zoom on November 23,2022

in MCGI Cares Hivelast year

What I learned:
What the Bible says about jealousy. Jealousy is an emotion of man that can be destructive to one's mental health and also result to physical health challenge. So we should be caution. We should not be jealous of what another person has acquired. Jealousy is that feeling that what another person has acquired or has attained supposed to be your own. So sometimes people feel bad that others have reached a different level or a higher level than they are. Or somebody has bought what should be their own, what they should have bought or they could not buy. So jealousy is very destructive. It can cause hypertension. It can lead to different health challenges. Jealousy is a feeling, but not all feeling comes from God. Jealousy can as well come from God. The jealousy that results to heart come from Satan as recorded in numbers 5:30, jealousy prompted by Satan is jealousy out of nothing. Just get to jealous what another person has for no reason. Jealousy that what the person has should be your own. That is the jealousy that is prompted by Satan.

Jealousy that is prompted by God is a jealousy that is tend toward protecting another, like a case of a husband and wife. The the husband is jealous of the wife maybe playing with other men or going around going about with other men. So it's that kind of jealousy is bringing about security on the part of the spouse.

The Bible advises us not to be friends with an angry man. So friends can separate if they are not compatible instead of getting married and divorcing later. Friends can separate because divorce is against the doctrines of Christ. So couples who are not married can separate if they are not getting along. If they are not compatible. So that they would not divorce. Which is against the doctrines of Christ.

Second Timothy Chapter 3 verse 17 says that the Man of God maybe thoroughly furnished unto good works, so we are created to do good works. We are furnished to do good works. Jesus Christ said that apart from him we can do nothing. So for us to be able to do good works to our fellow men, then we should have Jesus in our lives. We should welcome Jesus into our hearts so that we can do good works. Doing good work is a commandment. It is an obligation that God has given to us. So we should do good works, and by doing good work should be able to draw men to God. We were crafted in Christ Jesus onto a good work, so we should continue in good works even though we are heated or we are fought. When we do good works, we should continue, for in doing so will inherit the crown of righteousness.

I don't have any opposing believe regarding this teaching.

We should avoid jealousy because it is destructive to health.
It is better to separate in relationship than in marriage, so if friends are not compatible, they should go part ways. We should have Jesus in our lives to be able to do good works.

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The Bible advises us not to be friends with an angry man.

Yes it was indeed a commandment of God not to accompany ourselves with angry man. If we learn from it our life with be much better for obeying the words of God