These are some of the highlighted lessons learned from the mass indoctrination day 10 that held in zoom on the 13th of August 2021.
There is a difference between the inward and outward appearances. The outward is the way we appear to other people in our everyday lives while the inward is spiritual and the way we appear to ourselves and to God. Many people turn majority of their attention to the outward appearance which is only but a short time lived, the tend to get confused trying to live their life to please other people instead of living a fulfilling and pleasing life to God. They focus on how they look rather than seek for ways to develop their inner light.
One common example can be seen in the way most people clothe themselves, some are half naked with the intention to entice others while some are overly dressed trying to impose their persona on others that's because they are being led by worthless desires to impress others and also to be accepted. They spend too much time feeding their outward rather than their inward being, their inner light is dim. Spend time developing yourself with care and love from Christ. Most preachers won't speak against it because they would rather grow their Church than to preach the truth by pointing the errors in their ways, they like the material reward they receive every day of service so they spend time trying please their congregations.
Let’s take a look at
2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
If we take out time to brighten our light we would notice that we are being renewed everyday, no day stays the same. From there we can begin to align ourselves with the will of God and start obeying His commandments and also start doing His will.
The inward man must always have delight in God. Most men are not really men, they are ruthless beasts because of how they maltreat their wives and people around them with so much hatred, even to themselves.
For this reason, it is highly essential to check ourselves daily by searching the scriptures and walking in the path that God has prepared for us, which is the old path.
1 Peter 3:3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.
Thank you for reading through, have a great weekend.