We need to be praying. . . -- Necesitamos estar orando . . .


When we read the word of God and pray we are presenting our needs to God, we are also praising and worshiping Him. This is part of prayer and this is a way to be prepared since the word of God is what keeps us strong in God.

Watch, watch and pray; because you do not know when the time will be.

Mark 13:33

God bless you today and always!

Cuándo leemos la palabra de Dios y oramos estamos presentando a Dios nuestras necesidades, también le estamos alabando, y adorando. Esto es parte de la oración y esto es una forma de estar preparado ya que la palabra de Dios es lo que nos mantiene firmes fuertes en Dios.

Mirad, velad y orad; porque no sabéis cuándo será el tiempo.

Marcos 13:33

dios te bendiga hoy y siempre!


Yes, the Word of God keeps us strong in the faith. Thank you brother for sharing

I agree strongly to this. We need to be praying. I'm seriously disturbed concerning an issue but I know praying will help me sort it out.