How Should Christians Practice Meditation?


How Should Christians Practice Meditation?

Psalm 1:2-3, Titus 1:14, Psalm 119:97


Thank God for everything, It is always my pleasure to study the word of God, which is to change and build us spiritually as Christians, hence on this note, with regard to the teaching from brother Eli Soriano on the topic that says, "How should Christians practice meditation?" Hence, with reference to this, I will explain as much as I learned from the Bible and from the teaching.

Psalm 1:2–3 talks about the essence of meditation. As part of this scripture, let us understand that believers who really dedicate themselves to doing what the Bible says by practicing the law of the Lord and not man will ever flourish day and night without withering, which implies that we believers have to take the word of God seriously, which is regarded as the law on which we have to meditate at all times in order to build and retain our faith in God.

Furthermore, with the parable illustrated, the tree within the streams of waste in the book Psalm 1:2–3 has to be the stability, fruitfulness, and nourishment of every believer's life, which has to do with dipping our lives into the law of the Lord, which is regarded as the word that everyone has to take seriously as the law that keeps and retains us in the track of fulfilling our obligation here on earth.

Hence, it is high time for every believer to understand that the law, which is the word of God, is main to shape us our bases on how we dress, talk, attitude, approach, and the action we take towards certain things that define us, as much as it leads us to the path of righteousness, which is main to changing and retaining our lives for good.

So therefore, the moral lesson behind the verse of this scripture remains that we have to immerse ourselves in the spiritual practice, which has to do with spreading the word of God, reflecting it on what we do, and most importantly, meditating on the law in everything we do, just for us to retain a good relationship with God, which will flourish and nourish our souls by retaining our faith in God.

In Titus 1:14, let us understand that paying attention to the myth of man can be dangerous and can mislead, which is quite unacceptable for any Christian to be part of this approach. Hence, in this scripture Apostle Paul gave out advice to the people of Titus over what the truth is all about instead of doing order wise, which is contrary to the will of God and the law of God.

Hence, in this context, it has to teach us the need for we Christians to remain focused on the doctrine of Christ to enhance our well-being, indicating the importance of meditation, which doesn't have to seize in our mouths at all times. Hence, it's very necessary for believers to separate themselves from anything that tends to complicate their beliefs. Hence, this raises the need for us to seek the truth, which is the law of God that doesn't have to seize in our mouths for our own good.

While we practice the word of God, it is important that we recognize what the bible says in Psalm 19:97 about having a deep love that comes from our inner mind over doing and abiding in the laws of God, which is part of the reflection that is experienced and seen all over our life as believers, which radiates the reflection over winning more souls for Christ, which is living with fulfilling what the Bible has for us as Christians.

Hence, in respect to the moral lesson from scripture, let us understand that true meditation goes with real-time engagement based on doing what the Bible says, which is in line with spiritual truth that reflects love, commitment, and the desire to do God's work, which is patterning to the law of God. So, brethren, let us do as well to meditate on the word of God every day as much as we can.


So therefore, according to the teaching from Brother Eli and what the Bible says, meditation is a biblical manner, which is the laws of God and not man, which every Christian has to abide by and follow in order to fulfill all righteousness.

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