Review On Speaking In Tongues


Review: Speaking In Tongues



Act 2:7-8

Thank you to almighty God for his grace for us to keep learning the word of God, which is filled with lessons that tend to guide and build our spiritual lives. As a matter of fact, in this teaching led by Brother Eliseo Soriano, which teaches about speaking in tongues, a lot was learned while studying what the Bible verse has to do with the above caption.

In regards to that in Act 2:7-8, let us understand that speaking in tongues is biblical, as it was actually noted that even the disciples of Jesus attest to this spiritual language, which is not at all in relation to our native language, which is common among men in the physical realm; hence the book of Act went on to tell us that this scenario took place on the day of Pentecost, which was a special day that the holy spirit descended upon each one of them.

So it is expected for us to understand that speaking in tongues is a spiritual conversation between God and man; hence, this spiritual act comes in many diverse forms, which makes it so exceptional from our native language, which we can't speak and interpret as a layman, but this act regarded as speaking in tongues demands spiritual commitment in order to speak, interpret, and understand the message conveyed.

Hence, as a matter of fact, since we all understood what speaking in tongues is all about, taught by Brother Eli, there are various lessons to learn from it that have to be identified in our lives as Christians, which are in line with spiritual connection, which is recognized as a means to have a deep connection through the divine realm, which is the spiritual connection we have with God almighty, who created us in his own image, and through this approach, allow us as believers to express ourselves through this approach, which allow us as believers to express ourselves through the faith we have in him.

Hence, speaking in tongues can be expressed with joy, which is accompanied by gratitude, which is regarded as a time of intense worship where we have to focus on who made us, which is regarded as a spiritual experience that goes with verbal languages that transmit messages to us without real-life understanding as a layman.

Hence, from this teaching, I learned something, which is patterning to humility, which goes in line with surrendering ourselves, which allows the free flow of conversation, which is divinely inclined, and the same to the other hand, where unity is identified in the process of the experience with speaking in tongues, which is related us so close to God almighty, which made it an exceptional and important gift from God for those that believe in him.

So brethren, as much as we gain a lot from relating to God, speaking in tongues is an experience that lifts our spiritual growth while we transform from the physical to the spiritual, which is a means whereby we renew our faith, and as much as receiving divine healing, so let us not forget that speaking in tongues is more like empowerment, which assists our spiritual growth in order to overcome our adversaries, which tend to be a challenge to our growth.


○ This teaches us that God's work is not actually upon an individual but on as many who believe in his name, which can manifest in many ways.

○ Through the spiritual engagement that comes from speaking in tongues, it empowers us and guides us in our spiritual life, which builds us to be strong as Christians who have one faith.

○ This lesson taught us that God can manifest in different ways that are beyond our normal understanding, which requires us to have the spiritual insight to overcome our circumstances.

○ This teaches that we have to be humble and remain united in whatever we are doing, which tends to define and lead us on the course of our spiritual journey, which every Christian can't exempt himself or herself from.

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I love how you were able to explain clearly that speaking in tongues is a spiritual communication with God and laymen don't have to understand it.

Thanks for sharing, blessings.

You are wlc friend, is good to study the word of God