Should We Worship Only The Lord Jesus Christ?

in MCGI Cares Hivelast month (edited)



Should We Worship Only The Lord Jesus Christ??



John 4:2-24, Peter 3:15, Hebrew 1:6, John 14:1, 1 John 2:22, 1 Corinthians 11:3, John 14:28

Thanks for today's lesson from my brother Eli on Should we worship only the Lord Jesus only? Hence, a lot was taught in line with the Bible, which speaks on behalf of God and his son Jesus, hence I will not explain as much I learned and as much I was taught in line with the scriptures, which are the word of God that all men have to rely upon for guidance and salvation.

In line with John 4:23–24, let us understand that God is spirit, which implies he deserves to be worshiped as we give honor to his son. Hence, with reference to the scripture here, let us know that while we give God glory or worship, which has to be spiritual and with sincerity, ever since he is spirit, so brethren, this also calls for our sincerity in time of worship in order to please the almighty with all he is doing for us.

Hence, let us always consider the book 1 Peter 3:15, which is in line with encouraging us to remain focused on our faith, which we have to defend with gentleness, which goes with respect, which ought to be seen in us, as it is very important to show much respect for one's faith, which is still in line with ours, and hence, while we have to adopt the doctrine, live with it so that we can't be misled or fail to comply with it.

So the book of Hebrews 1:16 teaches us with a reference to the angel showing regards to the son of God, which entails us that we have to show recognition of where God is and where his son is as well by worshiping them both. According to this scripture, let us understand that even the heavenly being knows him and as well honors him duly upon the authority he has over him.

So therefore, as we assure not to trouble in our hearts as the book of John 14:1 entails, we ought to believe in him as we believe in God as well, hence we are encouraged to have confidence in retaining our faith in God as the book of John 14:1 entails us being encouraged to trust in God and worship him as much as his son, which is Jesus Christ.

So let us not forget what the Bible has to say in 1 John 2:22, where we are told that whoever denies Jesus with his authority is always an antichrist, which implies such a person is not with him, such a person is against him, which implies that every believer has to acknowledge Jesus as true identity, which is the messiah we ought to look upon as we honor God, so it is important to give honor to whom it is due, where we have to respect and honor God and his son.

I Corinthians 11:3 went on to say that we have to abide by the order and authority over us, which is divinely inclined, and we have to show respect. So the lesson here, in the verse of this teaching from Brother Eli, is that we have to be of respect, honor, and worship Jesus as we do them with his father, whom we have faith in. So brethren, let us demonstrate the kind of love shown in John 14:28, which shows the love within the trinity that demonstrates God's plan.



Hence, in a nutshell, within the verses of all scripture used by Brother Eli to teach on the topic that says, "Should we worship only the Lord Jesus only?" justify the reason and why we have to honor Jesus the son of God by worshiping him, which is divinely inclined, which is effective by having faith in him as well as we do to his father, our heavenly father, which we have to honor and respect Jesus in this way, and contrary to that, such a person is an antichrist, as the book of 1 John 2:22 emphasized, brethren let us take note of all this and further ahead.

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Thanks for sharing this.
Another important lesson is that while we worship, we should worship him in spirit and in truth. We must give worship, honour, respect and obedience to both the father and son together.

That's true and well said friend, is good worship in spirit, thanks for your contribution

We should worship Jesus.