in MCGI Cares Hive9 months ago (edited)





Thank God for Brother Eli for this impactful message from him as regards to "Solution to hardship and suffering" hence the following is what I was able to gain and obtain from his teaching as regards to the clips I watched.

With reference to Roman 8;18 reminded us the promises that await for is even in midst of our suffering, hence this verse of the scripture says even in our trial and as well in hardship we brethren are passing through, we ought to remember the better days is ahead as we don't have to compare the today hardship with the blessings that await for us who followed the doctrine and instructions of Christ.

As we expect for the better time of glory, is still important to acknowledge the fact that God is always faithful to his people even in the time we fail in faith he is still God who we have to rely on in whatsoever we are engaging ourselves in accordance of God's work, as is written Roman 3:3-5

According to The 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 this speaks on how God operates by being just, hence with respect to this entails that he gives justice to those that take part in causing problems and at the same time give relief to the people who are passing through sufferings.

Evening in our suffering God understands, as Lamentations 3:33-34 says he doesn't deserve pleasure to see us suffer but to correct and restore us from captivity and distress. Abiding in the word of God there is need to adopt the information from Deuteronomy 28:15 to our mind as we are main to obey the word of God as this verse let us know that consequences await for those that are not following the word of God, hence is ideal we study and follow and the word of God.

Hence According to Brother Eli Soriano let us know that is not actually all hardships comes from God, hence some of the suffering is lead by God as to transform us to the next level as Roman 5:3-4 said that our suffering and hardship from God lead to perseverance and change in our character for a better days ahead.

In John 16:33 let us know and acknowledge the facts that people pass through alot but assure us as believers after suffering comes glory that dwells forever provided we keep to the word of God, hence the glory will be adjoined with peace of the mind.




In respect to this teaching draw our attention to the need to perceive and understand that some suffering and hardship are actually main to lead us to glory which is the blessings of God that dwell forever, hence we are main to trust and remain faithful in God in order to find breakthrough in what we are doing in his name which crown with peace of mind.




Base on Brother Eli collective teaching from the video clips speaks of having faith, endurance and obeying the word of God, hence in respect of this teaching let us know that trial in our life is inevitable hence some of the hardship is for a purpose from God, hence peace is from to the glory of doing and remaining faithful in God.



Thanks MCGI
Am samuel

Note:The linebreaker is created by me
While the image is from the video clips


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