in MCGI Cares Hive9 months ago (edited)





Is really another great time via the zoom meeting where Bro Daniel Kuya enlightened us on the part to start taking in life, hence in that respect I will show you as much as learn from the teaching as written below.

As a believer who understands the doctrine of Christ, there is always need to put in practice what 1 Peter 3:9-12 said as it reference it point on the need to pay back with good even at the point of being subdue with evil treatment, hence there is need to absorb and adopt to respond with a good attitude that convey truth, peace and unity in place to promote our efficacy of our faith.

Keeping to the reference of the previous verse with proverb 13:3 shows the need to be mindful of what we said as this verse let us know that there is always power in the spoken word, hence all depends on how we use it patterning to the communication we keep to people through oral conversation, hence there is need to abide to the doctrine in respect of our communication with one another in order to retain peace and unity among us.

Hence as we are taught not to make use of harsh word so do we have to consider the book of Proverb 16:28 that enlighten us based in the doing all that will retain peace, unity in order to foster the outreach of love peace and unity and doing away to gossip that being the division among brethren., Hence there is always a need for us to maintain absolute unity in our life with people within our reach.

When we grow in our faith we are main to face challenges, hence some of this challenges are main to build us and reshape our attitude and behavior, hence in proverb 17:3 lead an emphasis on this patterning to personal growth with trials that lead to maturity, hence this verse is to let us know that some challenges are from God in place to refine our inner being for good, there is need for us to embrace the doctrine patterning to spiritual challenges that leads to our spiritual growth.

The act of being patient and having compassion to one another is charisma that we ought to adopt as believers as it is patterning to doctrine of God, hence virtues and compassion are all ideal to emulate as 2 Peter 3:9 states.

As we are living under the coverage of the doctrine of God, 1 Peter 9:10 call upon every believer to take charge in being and taking the stewardship, hence this need our capability within our capacity to reach out others with the gospel of God, as we e are mainly to use our talent and as well our own resources to launch God's outreach.

Hebrew 12:14 reminded us the need to be after peace and holiness this promote our well being in our faith in God, so brethren be courageous and never to slumber in all we do in the name of Christ, hence as we look out to keep peace so do we have to diffuse tension that arises from conflict thereby encouraging being gentle with empathy, hence in all we are mainly not fail to proclaim Jesus as our only savior as I written in the book of Act 2:36.




• In Ephesians 6:4 we are mainly to nurture the growth of our little one and as well our spiritual life in a way patterning to doctrine.

• In 1 John 3:17-19 says we ought to show love and demonstrate it to one another in respect to align to God's willing.

• In Proverbs 17:19 reminded us the need to strive for peace and do away with discord that brings separation with ourselves.

• In 1 Peter 9:10 we are mainly to take the mantle to reach out to people with the word of God.




The insight of today's teaching is referred to patience, being kind to one another, showing love for this with those within our reach, subjecting peace in the means of conflict and living a life that what emulating as righteous being, hence we out to be anxious of our words as Brother Daniel taught us in respect to keep harmony in pace of division, in a nutshell we ought abide to the doctrine of God while we keep to our faith in God.

Thanks MCGI
Am samuel

Note:The linebreaker is created by me
While the image is from the zoom meeting


Love, kindness and doing good to one another is one of the qualities a Christian should possess. Thanks for sharing brother.

Thanks for your review, I believe you learn alot

Your emphasis on patience, kindness, and the power of spoken words deeply resonates. It's crucial how our words and actions align with God's doctrine, fostering peace and unity. Thanks be to God for always joining brother @kingworldline