Lessons from Live Bible study on the 20/6/22

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Good day brethrens and may the peace of the Lord continue to abide with us.
Am brother Ajah Kelvin and this post was done on the 24/6/22 to share with us, the hive community and as many that would come across this post the truth as revealed in the Bible by the Holy spirit through Bro Eli.

From the introductory part of the study, Bro Eli reveal to is the most effective and profitable way of studying the Bible. We learnt that it's best studying the Bible starting first from the new testament before the old testament; reason being that, most of the teachings of the Apostles in the new testaments are on the bases of the old testament; they teach referring or citing the writings of the Prophets in the old testament. Studying through the new testaments and then the old testaments,we would also observed some changes in the teachings of Christ and that of the Prophets in the old testaments; this shouldn't get us confused about the changes for the Bible , according to Hebrews 7:12, because there's a change in the priesthood,then there's need for a change in the law. Changing of the law was not meant to destroy it but to make it perfect through Christ.


According to Ecclesiates 12:13, we learnt that our duty on earth is to fear God and keep His commandments . We also saw that to fear God simply means to reveal God in our conduct. Living by the law(God's commandments) binds the family together and there would be no broken homes. In Ephesians 6:1-4, the duties of children and parents are spelt out. Parents are expected to bring up their children in the admonition of the Lord and parents are to master the law first before they can pass it to their children. Saint Peter in 1Peter 1:17, that wherever we find ourselves,we should conduct ourselves in the fear of God.

We also learnt in Gen 2:16-17, that we all have the free choice to either choose to obey God's commandments or disobey and face the penalty. God warning us of the repercussions to our disobedience shows His love for mankind. God has control of the fate of man if we are to obey His commandments but if we are to disobey, then our destiny is going to be dependent on our actions.
If we submit ourselves to God,then God would be more than willing to operate in us,He would direct us and guide us, but if we do in the contrary,then he would allow us to go our own way,which is the way of perdition. This is true according to James 4:7 and Phillipians 2:13.

We also learned from about addiction; that addiction doesn't just suddenly;that it's a gradual thing. The body firstly reject it( lets say smoking for an example) because it identifies it as something strange, but with further exposure to it, the body would begin to adapt and then finally form addiction to it.
It takes sacrifice and faith in God to stop addiction to drugs. God can help one if one is willing to help him/herself.

In 1 Timothy 6:16, we learn that God is the only immortal God. He is the only being that can't die. God has appointed all men to die; it is something that is inevitable. Death teaches us of judgement. As death is inevitable , so is judgement. In Ecclesiates 8:8, we see that no man has the power to retain the Spirit when the day of appointment comes; we have no choice but to answer to it.
Death is not really something evil as some think. Death sometimes means salvation. According to Isaiah 57:1, we learn that death is a way of God to take us away from evil to come that we can't bear. Death teaches us of the existence of God and that is something good.
God is the one kills and makes alive according to Deuteronomy 32:39.
The fear of God prolong our days on earth and the life we live is not our own but He is the one that works in us both to Will and to do.

We also learnt according to Deuteronomy 28:15-25, that war, sufferings, starvation, are as a result of our disobedience to God's commandments and God isn't a man that He should lie; anything He had said, must come to pass- Hebrews 6:18. In Deuteronomy 30:19,we saw that what is happening today, the pandemic and the rest are as a result of our choice. God has given us the liberty to choice between life and death. We are suffering because of our misdeeds. God is a God of justice. Lamentations 3:32-33,
God doesn't afflict willingly but for a reason, when we take His counsel to nothing.
Plagues of long in continuance has already been mentioned in the bible long before now. They all happened to us because we are hard headed and continue in our sins. It would take the coming of Christ to restore things black to the way they were.

Bro Eli also teaches us about the issue of prohibiting the eating of pork meat. In Gen 9:3, God gave Noah the instructions to eat of any beast that walks on the surface of the earth. The only prohibition is blood, that he must allow the blood flow to the ground. In Gen 1:28; Adam and eve too weren't prohibited from eating anything.
Certain restrictions were given to the Israelites in the wilderness and not for everyone and it was temporary-Hebrews 9:10. When Jesus came, he made pronouncement that cleanses everything. According to 1 Timothy 4:4-5, through the word and prayer, everything is sanctified, hence pork meat isn't restricted any more.

Hope we learn something too from the teaching. God bless us all.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.