How to deal with problem calmly part 2of2..

Good day to the Royal priesthood in the bible reader's community. My name's are agbo stephen.
In response to the question concerning how to deal with problems calmly,the good Lord helped us get answers from the holy Bible.
According to John 16vs 33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

For the fact we still exists in this world,we are vulnerable and prone to tribulations and problems. So the best way to deal with situations like that calmly,is to hearken to what JESUS has spoken,that only in him can we have peace...
He's the prince of peace and also the author and finisher of our faith and peace...

Problems can never be resolved and dealt with amicable or calmly,if we lack the revelation of looking u to JESUS,he alone has all the peace we desire..

Continue to rest in peace until we meet again #broelisoriano.


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