Mass Indoctrination Day 11, 02-05-2022.

Glory to God brethren! Today is another wonderful day learning God's word, knowing more of the teachings and doctrines according to the bible through Bro Eli soriano. Here is what i have learnt and my personal reflection on the study.

I have learnt that a vow should be something that is done out of willingness and not an act that is forcing without the person's voluntarily act to fulfil the vow.
If we decide not to make a vow it doesn't make us to be bad or disobeying God, a vow is not a commandment by God but it is done through man's digression which is considered to be good.

I have also learnt that we should keep our vows if we make them and not mere saying or mere words. It is good to give thanks to God in all that we do,it gives us more opportunity to receive much more from God.

Personally this study has helped to have a better understanding about tithe, knowing God's view and standard about it. Now i know that vow is not a commandment that is under compulsion but man's free will that if made must be kept. The enlightenment that was shed on contribution in churches must not be something that is compelled or forcefully done. Giving to God must be from a cheerful heart and that is where God's blessings resides.

I have been influenced positively through
the study of the teachings and doctrines of Jesus Christ that whatever we are offering or giving to God must be genuine from the heart not out of forceful obligation or to do eye service to please man, the only person we must focus on pleasing is the Almighty God.

Each time we give to the Lord: He is watching. He doesn’t miss a single gift, small or large. He knows every giver, rich and poor. People may give anonymously, not noticed by men, for God loves a cheerful giver not out of compulsion nor grudgingly but it must be that which comes from your heart,We must never feel compelled to give for the Lord’s work. What we offer to the Lord must be given cheerfully for God loves a cheerful giver. We can only give cheerfully when the condition of our heart is right with God and our giving dictated by our love for Him. This is because God not only looks at the gift; He also looks at the heart. The condition of the heart when we give is much more important that what we give. If the heart wants to give more than the person is able to give, God sees it and records it accordingly. But if the hand gives more than the heart wants to give, probably just to show off, God records what is in the heart, no matter how big the offering in the hand might be. Our giving must come from the heart if it is to please God. The right condition of the heart is very important because before God accepts the gift He first accepts the giver. God will only accept the one whose heart is right before Him. When the heart is not right with God, the sacrifice cannot please the Lord because it is impossible to know what to sacrifice without a right relationship with God.

Glory to God!

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