Mass indoctrination day 5: 24/02/2022

Good day brethren, Am here to talk about what i learnt from yesterday's teachings talks about fasting and prayer, the fasting and prayer God wants from us is forgiving our deptors is

in our food ungry I want to fast we should ensure that our spouse is aware of the fasting so that we can abstain from sexual activities of any kind

when we finish the first we should you know go back to the activity so as for us not to be tempted by the devil

the fasting we are encouraged to fast we should lighten the burden

I also learnt about

women covering their head

women and men to cover their head

how I used to think that women covering their head should be weight or material with an hairstyle

yesterday when I was made to understand that woman's hair is their covering

and man is not supposed to cover their hair which means man should not have long hair

you are the one that are you now encourage order should cover their head and not the man

and before I used to think when I'm fasting I will keep my food I meant to eat as breakfast and lunch and keep it till dinners time but I was made to understand from yesterday stating that I should give out my food to the hungry

morning I give it to the Hungry the one since I'm fasting the one I'm supposed to eat at lunch and I should give it to the Hungry in

the first the acceptable one which was spoken about in the Bible and I was going to understand that when we are fasting we should not do it is such that everybody will know you are fasting by you know from your countenance and Aur parents know we should clean up ourselves and be good and nobody should know and the Bible say the our father who sees in secret will reward you openly thank you very much this is all that I learnt from yesterday teachings thank you.

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Glory be to God!

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Ok taken, you are absolutely right

Sometimes we focus on the reward and loss the essences of the program

Yes brother, God bless you