in MCGI Cares Hive5 months ago

It was another day to listen to the sound teaching of God's beloved Servant who God has been using to bless his people with his true word of God.

We must be seen as people who are one another's keeper, lifting our fellow brethren faith high, taking up one another's sorrow and encouraging one another strongly on the rightful things to be done knowing that we are Christ children as seen according to the book of 1 CORINTHIANS 4:6.

1 CORINTHIANS 14:37 We were instructed by God's word that before we think of coordinating the church of God, we must have those attributes which God want from us which are the unique things which can make people to listen to us when we are found preaching God's word ,we cannot be seen as People who do not obey God's word and we expect people to learn from us it is never possible,we are expected to be loyal in heart , having forgiving spirit,patient people, people who are always ready to understand their fellow brethren because without all these attributes of Christ,we can't be seen as people who are qualified to carry the children of God to a greater level.

Lets us see the book of ROMANS 10:17 we must walk out our righteousness with faith ,we cannot say we re righteous when we cannot obey God's true doctrine and Commandments,we are only seen as God children when we put zealousness In God's work ,not folding our hands and allowing God's work to grumble rather we are to take up God's work as our with faith one believe and one mind to do the works of our heavenly father who has sent us.

We must be plain when teaching people God's word ,we must not be seen as people who bring in false teaching which is not approved by God nor are we to preach to people just to make them happy. but in all we are expected to dish out the true word of God to God people both in the church of God and among our fellow brethren without any additions of anything because according to God's word in the book of PROVERB 30:6 God do not delight Joy in a life of a believer who adds his own word to God's word just to make people feel happy or to please man, we must not be after pleasing man rather we should be after how to please God who is our creator.

We must come to understand that Christ Jesus is the only way, the truth and life therefore if anyone thinks that he is the way he must ensure that he remove himself from things and focus on God which is the real way to eternity, because any other way leads to destruction but that of Christ is to heaven where we shall receive the crown of glory which await them.we must stick to that which is good in the sight of Good,in all let's us cleave to that which is right in God's sight according to the book of JOHN 14:6 we Christans must come to under that Christ Jesus is the only true path which every true believer must endeavor to follow knowing that truely Satan will come to lead astray but having God's word Is the only thing which can help in setting us free from the bondage of slavery.

We must be seen as people who put our hands together in building and making sure that the church of God keeps moving on. not people who makes God's word to be drawing back,let us be seen as people how will be ready to motivate the works of our father in heaven.we are to be seen dedicating our time in doing God's work knowing that as we are working in God's vineyard ,God will never abandon us.


True sister Jesus Christ is the only way his the truth and his the light

And he remains the only rightful path we believers are to follow

You are right, IMO, we are suppose to do the work Of God with our heart and enthusiasm

Posted using Neoxian City

God need our zealousness in doing his work Brother

You are right sister we should live our life to please our creator and not men.

Truely our life ought to be an example to others to learn from

Yes, sister, we must possess the attributes that portrays us as true representatives of God.