in MCGI Cares Hive8 months ago

It was great today In God's presence as I participated fully in today's mass Indoctrination service which was led by our beloved brother Eli Soriano. Today's teaching exalt us the need to be upright in all we do and to be faithful to God and to stand righteous before God almighty knowing that God derive joy in everything that concerns the life of a righteous man both the prayer and every request of a righteous man God almighty always pays great attention to a prayer of a righteous man but that of an unjust is like an abomination in the sight of God.

We were taught that as many that will hearken unto God's commandments and his followed doctrine that even before we made our prayer request unto God that lets us already consider it done because before we will call upon the name of God he has already listened to our prayers and give ear to our troubles and supplication according to ISAIAH 65:24

True devoted Christian are taught according to God's doctrine that when we want to pray that we should not pray to show off or to show arrogance but let's our prayer be a secret communication between us and our God knowing that when our father in heaven will answer us he will never tell anyone that he is about to reward us and let's us deviate from repeating prayers in the sight and ears of God almighty but in all let's us in faith ask our father in Heaven and with great believe and faith hoping that our prayers will be answered according to God's word in the book of MATTHEW 6:7-8 what we need is just to be faithful in doing God's doctrine even as God's servants Daniel was faithful to God and in all God save and harken unto all his supplication and put an end to his problems according DANIEL 6:10 and DANIEL 9:21-23 and DANIEL 9:18.

God's word according to PROVERB 15 :8 God's word said that the ways of the unjust do not please God neither do God consider such prayer but that God only rejoices in the prayer of the just and that we must come through Christ so that our prayers can be answered therefore with humbleness of mind and sincerity of heart we are to present ourselves to Christ so that God almighty can hears our prayer according to JOHN 6:44. but in all let's be submissive in God's doctrine so that our horns can be lifted high by God according to EPHESIANS 3:14.

God's doctrine demands that Christians are to have a proper conduct in the house of God we should know how to behave in God's House which is the church of the living God doing all that he has commanded us exhorting ourselves in God's word, encouraging one another and in all abstaining from things which will bring the downfall of the church of God deviating from having malice with our fellow brethren or bearing grudges with one another but in all we do let's us carry the cross of Christ Jesus rejoicing in his presence and presenting ourselves holy before God almighty knowing through that our ways shall pleased God according to 1 TIMOTHY 3:15.

God expects that we do not forsake the coming together of one another in the church of God because through such people's faith which might have be down by one problem or another can be lifted high let's us be givers in the house of God lets us help as many as we can in the house of God let's us care for the needy help the oppressed and have a merciful heart to where our fellow brethren are because is another way of obeying God's commandments.

Let's us be people who are known for peace makers people who exhort one another in God's word let's us be givers and people who help the oppressed people who admonish one another to obey the true doctrine and commandments of God.lets us not be know as people who scatter things in the house of God but let's use coordinate ourselves in the house of God doing all which God has commanded us to do and deviating from things which can make our prayer to be an abomination in the sight of God


Sister please we need more interactions and engagements by commenting on other posts too

Alright Sir
I have been doing that Sir and I will go ahead in doing more

Sister @queenpresh thanks for sharing, our prayer should for sure be in secret so we can be rewarded publicly. Pretty thank you for sharing

God bless you

Amen sister and blessed you too.

Thank u brother