Mass Indoctrination day 2 on 13-08-2021.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Good day Bible readers, Summary of what I learnt on our Mass Indoctrination day 2 on zoom

1 Timothy 3:15 ASV
but if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how men ought to behave themselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

The house of God is not the physical house where people congregate, but rather the people themselves. That is why the Bible refers to us as God's Temple. As believers in God, we must acquire right behavior, such as bearing one another's burdens and showing love to all men, so that all men will recognize us as God's disciples.

Proverbs 22:1 ASV
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, Andloving favor rather than silver and gold.

As God's children, the place where we congregate should be called the Church of God, because we are together for no other reason than to worship God. Everything that has to do with God is named after him. Even Christ was referred to be the Christ of God after God. Now, as a man, you would imagine that if you have a child, the child will be named after you. Your child's name is Maleficent, and your name is Joseph. At school, your child will be called Maleficent Joseph. So now you decide: if God is our father and the proprietor of the church, why shouldn't the church be named after him, the Church of God? Even in the days of the early disciples, the real church was referred to as the Church of God in Antioch and the Church of God in Judea.


Brother I want to encourage everyone to always open our camera when we are joining our Zoom conference, hope to see you again in our next Zoom meeting, God bless you