Mass indoctrination Program- The Inward Man and The Best.

in MCGI Cares Hive8 months ago

Hello, brethren, may the peace of the Lord be with you as you join me whole. I share a reflection on the teachings of Brother Eli during just this past Fridays gathering. I believe those who managed to join really had a great time just as I did. I can boldly say that it is never a waste of time under the feet of our brother, Eli.

From the gathering, I got to understand that there are two types of individuals walking on this earth. I was amazed when Brother Eli made emphasis on the fact that every human being has another being within them. I got the understanding that there are people with the inward man and those with the beast. Those with the inward man are those who are within the laws and commandments of the Lord, while those who are beasts within are those who do not acknowledge the Almighty God. The inward man delights in the laws of the Lord. They keep these laws in their hearts so that they may not forget. (Psalms 40:8)

The inward man also delights in directing praise to the Lord instead of taking the glory. Those with the inward man do not brag about their achievements. They are very humble and not boastful. Those with the inner man will only be happy because God has used them to do good. They will thank God for the opportunity He has given them to do good instead of praising themselves and bragging all around.
Hence, it is necessary for us to examine ourselves to see if we follow and delight in the laws of Jesus Christ.

We have the power to do so. Respect for the law is very necessary for anyone with an inward mind. He would delight in following all the instructions of the ten commandments and the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 13:51
On the other hand, there are also people who see their inner being as a beast. They look good on the outside, but the inside is full of darkness. They have an inner beast inside of them. Therefore, they do not respect or accept the laws of God. They will reject it at any time. They do not even want to hear it (Jeremiah 6:16).

The Lord Jesus is the light of the world. (John 8:12).
There were some acts prohibited in the Bible yet practiced by those with the inner being as a beast. The Bible clearly talks against the adorning of hair and the use of jewelry. The Bible speaks against these acts, but they are practiced by lots of people, especially those who have the beast. Even when you look at it critically, the adorning of hair is proven to be very harmful for human hair.

The chemicals used in some of the hair products could be very harmful to the well-being of the person. It can cause one to be bald or even get cancer. Whatever we apply to the body always makes its way into the body, and it may one way or another affect our health if it has very high chemical contents. And most of these hair dyes and hair products are full of harmful chemicals.

The use of jewelry to adorn the body is also prohibited because it can easily draw our attention from God and even draw bad and evil eyes to ourselves. A person can be attacked because of expensive jewelry spotted by an armed robber or snatcher. Brother Eli uses one lady as an example.
He said the lady had very big ear rings on and was sitting close to a car door when one snatcher just pulled it, tearing the woman's ears in the process.
There was one woman who was also attacked by armed robbers. The robbers realized she had expensive jewelry on her hand. It was a wedding ring. They could not take it off, so they just cut off her hand. It was very sad.

Adorning our bodies with all sorts of expensive jewelry will only bring a lot of attention to us, and that of the evil ones too is included. It takes away our attention from God. Those who have expensive jewelry usually get destroyed by it. Every little chance they get, they want to look at it and admire it instead of paying attention during the gatherings of the saint.

Having the inward man is the best so every human should strive for it. Following the laws of God is what will build our faith in Him and have a better inner person.

These are are just some few points i oicked from the mass indoctrination progrma held just this past Friday. Have a blissful week and hope to see you at this morning mass indoctrination program.

Stay blessed.