#worldcoinwednesday 2018 Fiji Dollar Samurai Archives – Scottsdale March Haul Part five

in Telokanda4 years ago (edited)


 “Black birds tend to like Shiny Things.” ~ The Bloody Raven

When Scottsdale made it’s initial release, Apmex sum up the story of this coin this way;

 “…. the 2018 Samurai Archives .999 Fine Silver Coin features the 12th-century samurai Taira no Kiyomori. Taira no Kiyomori was a powerful and influential Japanese military leader during the late Heian period in Japan. As the head of the fearsome Taira clan, Kiyomori gained prominence through his military triumphs during the Hogen and Heiji Rebellions. Tiara no Kiyomori came to dominate court politics as well, bringing an end to direct Imperial rule and establishing the first samurai-dominated administrative government in the history of Japan. The 2018 Fiji Samurai Archives Silver coin has a design rooted in Japanese history.” A1.

Scottsdale mint’s 2018 inaugural issue of the Samurai Archives and the ONLY one so far as there is no further information on press releases on site, I had to ask the Customer Service representative on the status of this series and their reply is as follows;

 “We are anticipating to have more released; we just have not had a design to put out at this time. The series should be continued though.”

Hai! The Coin

2018 Fuji Dollar Samurai Archives

Reverse; Kiyomori on his veranda overlooking his garden
Lettering; KIYOMORI

The Original Artwork

Original 1840 Woodblock print; Taira no Kiyomori’s Ghostly Vision

W1. Kiyomori’s Ghostly vision by Utagawa Hiroshige, Public domain
Currently displayed at the Honolulu Museum of Art

Origin of the Bloody Raven: The Kurasu – Part 2 Kobeyashi and Takashi

Hideaki's men parted as she turned to leave the court, pausing briefly, turned and bowed once more to acknowledge her host one last time before departing.
Lord Hideaki replied with the slightest of nods.
That was enough.
His Samurai continued to be suspicious and wary of her presence even as the Lord declared her as personal retainer with free access to the castle anytime to perform her assigned role.

Regardless of House Guard Captain Yuici's protest, and the Shinbutsu-shūgõ Monk Fumio's advice to lord Hideaki, the deal was struck with the 'Demon' woman.

Outside Onku village the house was lit when Teshine arrived home in the late hour.
Kobeyashi was still awake, he already knew she was home no matter how quiet she entered. In the flickering candle light he again tested a few pieces of metal by the characteristic texture of their surface and the tone as he tapped them at various points with a metal rod.

2018 Fuji Dollar Samurai Archives

Obverse; Fijian Coat of Arms bordered by traditional Japanese Patterns
Legend; FIJI * 2018, 1 DOLLAR
1 troy Ounce, 999 Fine silver
Mintage of 15,000

The blind sword maker really didn't need the candle light but tended it for her benefit. "So what did Hideaki say?"
"I will be in his service for protection of his wife and son." Teshine replied in a matter of fact way.
"He gave me this gift for you." Teshine placed the Lord Hideaki's gift on his work table.
His tactile hands tested the delicately wrapped package. Opening the package he recognized the feel of gold ryo. His eyebrows arched in surprise, "Twenty Ryo. He must either be afraid or desperate. I wonder who are his recent political enemies are?"
"Hideaki also proclaimed to lift the dishonor of our name and offer tax respite should I be able fulfill my duty to his offer."
Kobayashi grinned as a proud parent, "I had faith in you even in the day I took you as a stranger in need. We were both outcasts and found solace in each other. My barren wife would have been proud of you. It is as if the heavens puts us together for our mutual need."
"It is early, shall I begin to make you breakfast?"
"Come rest, and tell me what else happened."

Bonus Coin from the Tokugawa Era

1817-1846 100 Mon Tenpotsūhō

Reverse; 當 百 (100 Mon) and Mint
Cast Bronze, 20.7g
49mm long, 32.4mm width
2.6mm thick
Reference C# 7, DHJ# 5.5-12

Teshine poured two cups of cool tea for herself and her adopting father then knelt opposite of his work table. The table was old but sturdy. Tools, sharpening stones, a few rough blades, metal tamahagani pieces were arranged in a purposeful fashion familiar to his work habits. The same way four years ago when he decided to take her in and took his late wife's place in his neglected, disheveled home and assisted him with his work when needed.

A year later his brother Takashi returned home from serving in Edo as part of an Imperial mustering of forces to quell down a rebellion. He questioned his brother's decision to take in a foreign woman. But Takashi's words were not received well in Kobeyashi's ears claiming a sudden deafness at par with his eye sight. "Because she is the only one alive with some dignity to help a blind, dishonored soul like me and I did not know if you would survive the campaign. The village hardly sends anyone to help me. Demon or not heaven had sent me a helper to wash me, provide food at our table, help with my work, clean my house and warms my bed without complaint. She deserves the new sword I promised her and you Takashi will teach her the way of the Samurai. "

1817-1846 100 Mon Tenpotsūhō

Obverse; 天 保 通 寶Tenpō Tsūhō
Note: the Tokugawa govt. issued this coin to combat fiscal deficits but experienced poor public acceptance that eventually lead to chronic inflation.

His teacup is always placed in front and to his right above his small hammer.
"Thank you Teshine."
"Captain Yuici still spits upon our name and challenged me."

The door to Takashi's room slides open, the younger brother emerged from his room as he rubbed his thin beard. "My sleep was light but I find your news satisfying considering you walked out of Hideaki Castle alive." He glanced at the stack of gold Ryo on the table. "And with a rich gift too, looks much more than an officer's lifetime pay."

Teshine pours another cup of tea for the Samurai brother as he takes his place at the table. "I admit to underestimating how capable our Teshine is... seems like I am always underestimating since I began teaching you the warrior's way three years ago. I already knew that your hands were stained with the blood of not just men but of many judging from you reluctance and in the manner and experience you wield a blade. "

Teshine looked into Takashi's eyes, "I have killed those I thought most deserving, there are some that I have doubt so I carry the burden of regret ."

"Now our daughter finally says it." Takashi shakes his head with a grin. "It is no surprise as it is the lot of a Samurai. As you have learned the lord that orders the warrior into battle bears that burden, the warrior is expected to do his duty but do so with the least suffering of his enemy. There is honor in that."

1817-1846 100 Mon Tenpotsūhō

Smooth edge with edge mark of Originating Mint

Kobeyashi gently put down his tool on the table, his brother took after his father's sentiments as a Samurai that exercised his rigid sense of Bushido honor while Kobeyashi himself was more influenced by his Uncle Sēnju who was a Buddhist monk. The definition of Honor had always been a contentious point between the brothers. "Honor is but a thin cloak in a cold grave." Turning to Teshine, "Lost is the teaching in the exercise of mercy but also being comforted to know that the opponent suffered little in death. Long ago Lord Kiyomori died regretting the death of thousands by his hand. Many suffer and die in the rebellions and battles of little tactical value and finally his conscience tortured his soul. The true price of ambition."

"I'm in no mood to argue that again brother, we should celebrate the success of our daughter!" Takashi turns to Teshine, "I am proud and eager to hear what you did to that stuck up Captain Yuici and any of his band of Samurai bullies".

I hope you enjoyed this very special feature,

And thank you for stopping by my world coin article today.

The #worldcoinwednesday tag is one of many strategic tags hatched by none other than the TAG MASTER @silverd510 to take over the all social block chains one post at a time. Give in to the Master and reveal your wondrous silver world coins.

Previous Episode and Related Articles

Origins of the Bloody Raven: I am Mintauru: Part One – The Karasu
Origins of the Bloody Raven: The Karasu: Part Two – Kobeyashi and Takashi
1895 Japanese One Yen


1. All are my own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W unless otherwise indicated.
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons


P1. Raven Moon by Alexas Fotos under Pixabay
A1. Apmex 2018 Fiji Dollar Samurai Archives
2018 Fuji Dollar Samurai
2018 Fuji Dollar Samurai Archives
1817-1846 100 Mon Tenpotsūhō
Wiki: Japanese Ryō


“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

Banner by @thekittygirl


How interesting that the2018 Fuji Dollar design came from an Original 1840 Woodblock print! Very detailed...awesome @kerrislravenhill!😀

I was imagining Hiroshinge's entire Kiyomori panel of art work stamped on a TEN OUNCE bar and that would be EPIC rather than on just the coin.
"Domo arigato" for the Comment @silvertop san.

10オンスのシルバーバー@kerrislravenhillは素晴らしいことです。 :)
10-Onsu no shirubābā@ kerrislravenhill wa subarashī kotodesu. : )

I really like the detail on the Silver Coin. BOTH Sides show detail rarely seen on any coins, and both are unique. The back makes me think of our SSG Coins, and the front does mimic very well the woodcarvings that inspired it! I see SHADING in the stamping of the coin, THAT IS IMPRESSIVE!

Photography on silver coins are tricky and I just can't get it right. Best is to see the coin in your hand as many collectors say. I've added the picture of the original print for context and comparison. Perhaps having a solid Cameo texture of Kiyomori may take away from the total appeal of the coin and having some elements in BU like his sword and or parts of his clothes to provide some contrast & depth. Yet it is still overall an excellent coin.
Thanks for coming to comment @underground 😎 💋

I was complementing the Engraver, and I think your photography is FINE!

As far as coin photography goes, a light box is darn near a necessity. It diffuses and disperse the light, eliminating shadows and enhancing details. One can be built from reasonably priced materials, or purchased. It also provides a steady mounting for the camera or phone.

Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp

I may have to go the cheap route and make one while on my vacation. I may be the Time saver I need.
Thanks Undy! (Kiss emoji)

I do love your stories! Of course, I had to go back to reread Part One. My memory is starting to fail...

Posted Using LeoFinance

All the stories are a Work in Progress, even I have to go back and remember key points and spelling of names. The writing notes in my phone are a disorganized mess. Good thing I put in the links.
Thanks for dropping in @ronavel

Wow... That samurai coin is really amazing 😍 love that kind of silver SO much.
And that other one has such a cool shape and I never seen that kind before.
Your stack is truly impressive sis 😊
Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful evening. Much love 💗💋

We're still waiting for the 2019 and 2020 version of the Samurai Archives to see what Scottsdale will have for us.
Posting the picture of the original artwork should give you a feel for what the coin is all about and the story it tells of this Japanese warlord that shaped Medieval Japanese culture for several centuries.
The 100 Mon is a common coin of the Tokugawa era prior to the Meiji Reformation, not very expensive but an interesting piece, it's sort of modeled after the Ryo Koban, an oval shaped gold coin giving it a subjective impression of value but in actuality debasing the Mon coinage currency causing inflation.
Thanks for commenting @saffisara

That is a sweet piece! The details on the reverse are fantastic and mimic the woodblock print nicely. The obverse Fiji Coat of Arms is cool, too. Thanks for sharing the coin and the story. Awesome as usual!😊

Doing my bit to keep Economic history... Unboring!

The extremely long story of the Bloody Raven continues and so on and so forth.

Thanks for dropping in @elizabethbit

You bet @kerrislravenhill! I love your posts; you do well with them. Take care and have a wonderful night!

I love that 2018 Fuji Dollar. The design with large skull in the background is similar to another silver series... the Black Flag series! WOW, that Ghostly Vision art work sure looks EPIC. I wonder if the designers of the Fiji Dollar will continue to use parts of that artwork, or the others from the same artist or theme. Another interesting short story in the making, sis! Very nice!
Have a wonderful last week, sis... or is it the start of your vacation The days are going so fast! (And I got confused with that WOrldCOinWednesday hashtag). Lots of love💓💝 and a million and one Hugs and Kisses 🤗💕💋!

Skulls are, after all, the staple of Pirate silver.
There are a lot of choices for Scottsdale to consider but have yet to follow through and odd being the absence of the 2019 and soon the 2020 coin unless they retroactively issue the 2019 and 2020 by the end of 2020 to address the potential year hole in the series.
I was originally planning to post Wednesday but one thing after another happened and fell behind, so why would a Pirate have to stick with posting on time anyway? #worldcoinwednesday on Sunday, what the heck, posted.
Always, with Love... 🌺 💝 🌹 💓 🌸 🌼

You are killing me with these coins. Very nice Kerris👍

If I must kill you, Bushido requires that I do so to spare you unnecessary pain and suffering. But, I do not think Buddha was thinking of silver bullion coins so I can't help you there unless you get immediate Stackitis treatment from your nearest LCS.


Wow I like that samurai coin, the design is awesome. What a cool coin for your stack.

It is a very nice addition to my Samurai Silver collection.
Below are authentic coins from the Tokugawa era "Samurai money"
They continued to cast PM money up until the Reformation beginning in 1868 to the new Yen currency.
History in my hands!
Thanks for commenting @maddogmike

Kerris, my friend, that coin is amazeballs.

And it would be so cool if they would put the entire Artwork on a TEN Ounce bar instead of rather just the One ounce coin!
Thanks for dropping in @fat-elvis

Stories trough history is amazing my dear sister friend @kerrislravenhill. It's always a pleaasure to learn and discover beautiful Art and pieces.
Big hugs 😘

Thank you my sweet sister @misschance Historical fiction has always been my escape from today's troubles. There is always something to learn about from the past; it's horrors, tragedies, heroes and it's beauty.
I send you my love!

Interesting story behind the coin

A fictional story of the origins of the Pirate, The Bloody Raven. going as far back 1480 something AD. A epicly long running story covering several era arcs. Appearing in medieval Japan as Teshine Mintauru before taking over a Privateer Brigantine ship, the Sunset Trader in Edo Bay.
Economics is boring, so I like to write a little dramatic fiction with the background or subject of the coin. Here's one of my favorite crown sized coins from Japan.
1895 Japanese [One Yen](https://hive.blog/steemsilvergold/@kerrislravenhill/the-bloody-raven-taken-for-a-ride-to-the-coin-show-and-not-the-hospital-part-2)

Thanks for dropping in @djohan

thanks for using the telokanda tag! Awesome post matey and my lambo huge kanda full uv ;)

Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp