Where do I belong?

in SpiritWeb2 years ago (edited)


Do you ever feel like you just don't belong?
Like no matter where you are or who you are with
It all still feels so wrong?

So everywhere you arrive,
You try to change little pieces and bits of yourself
Just to fit in, and for a moment you thrive.

Until at one point it all becomes perfunctory
Not knowing why you try so hard to be
What the world wants you to be.

It starts to get boring, because you've seen it all before
And no matter how hard you try to be "Normal"
Your soul keeps searching for more...

More souls who love to live in love,
Compassion, silence, truth and empathy
More places with lakes, forests, animals and flowers
Because that is where you really want to be.

Never alone but somehow always lonely
So lost that it feels like your souls fire is gone..
Don't be afraid if this is you, because then you're a lot like me
And now you know of at least one place where you do belong
Understood, Together and lonely with me


In love,