spiritweb cross-posted this post in SpiritWeb 4 years ago

Miracle happens! But the question is, should we need to wait for it?

in ecoTrain4 years ago

Miracles are the magic of life. It can change our whole life!


I can still remember a person from my childhood, he was a relative of one of our neighbors, who got a bag of money on the street and got rich overnight. I also can recall another man's story where he gets cured of some crucial disease. I don't know how true those stories were. Though those were a hot topic on the town back then.

You can guess how much impact it can create on a child's mind. Yeah, I was totally amused by knowing those events. It felt good to imagine some miracles will happen to my life too.

But the more I grow, the more I get it that miracle doesn't happen to everyone's life. And it broke my heart. Like literally! I even blame my life for why no miracle is happening. It's not like that I was in misery I need to get out. It was more like a desire to change my entire life. How foolish I was!

No miracle doesn't happen to everyone. And there's no need of any miracle. We have the power in our hands to change our life. Yeah, we can't change the events of life but we certainly can change our action and response for the event.

There's no pride in miracles. But you always can proud of yourself for your hard work, no matter if you are successful or not. Also, you don't know if a miracle will be a blessing for you or not. Because you can take examples from a lottery winner's life. There are many examples where the lottery just ruined their life. So, it's better to learn to be happy with what you have.

Yeah, if I got cancer and some miracle can cure it, I would be blessed. But can it be realistic to wait for the miracle? Doesn't it sound very foolish? Shouldn't we try something realistic like medical help to get cured?

I would say, there's no need to wait for any miracle, you can create your own happiness. If you depend on some external events to change your life, to make you happy; believe me; it will never work, it will never make you happy. Our life and happiness are in our own hands. We can create miracles in our life as well as others by helping them. This is what I have learned from my life. And I believe this is the truth!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Mom of a toddler son, have a vast experience working with HR in a multinational organization. Also, I have a good knowledge of Public Administration. I'm life & nature enthusiasts, eager to learn human psychology, trying to live mindfully and a positive learner.


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