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RE: What's Your Story?

in HiveHustlers4 years ago

Excuses are like heads...everybody has one.

It's not about's about progress.

These are just a couple of phrases that came to mind as I watched your video. I agree with you 100%. When it comes to advancing in your business (or anything for that matter). It's not about getting everything just right. It's not about being ready. It's not even about having everything finished. It's about moving forward. It's about progress. It's about taking the "next right step"...the action that will help you make the most progress right now. Then you can move on to the next "next right step".

Great advice, Janelle. This is something I have been telling myself for the past few days, but, as yet, I have not taken that next right step. I am about to do that now. Keep on keeping on.


Thank you, Garrey. I appreciate the support. Following you back now :) I thought I was already!