5 Powerful Commons you can Level Up for less than 10K Credits!

in Dinero Juegos2 years ago

Let's face it, Chaos Legion has some strong, versatile cards...

...and they're surprisingly affordable right now.


It's hard to start buying and levelling as a small investor.

If you're like me, buying an entire deck isn't really an option
Like many players, I rent most of my cards, and my collection power is 90% Rented.

I like to collect and keep some copies of the reward cards, and try to scoop up cheap, useful cards off the market with extra profits every now and then.
Regardless of your playstyle, if you don't have a lot to invest it can be hard to figure out which cards to buy, and especially which cards to level up.

For many players, purchasing cards and levelling them up is not something they will be doing early on. They'll be renting most of those cards, and having a handful of level 1 cards.
I mean, thank goodness for the rental system. Ideally, we'd all like to have a few levelled up cards that we own to use. When it comes to getting them to higher levels, the prices can quickly add up as you sometimes will need 10, 40 or even 100 cards to unlock the desired abilities or stats.


Enter Chaos Legion...

Before Chaos Legion, I honestly was rarely levelling up cards.
I had a hard enough time finding good cards to buy.
Most of the commons didn't unlock anything particularly useful within 1 or 2 levels, so after a few small buys, I stuck to collecting a variety of level 1 cards.
With Chaos Legion cards being so cheap right now, and some of the cards being so, so useful; there are actually some amazing options out there right now

I was able to purchase all 5 of these cards and get them to level 3 for less than 10,000 credits ($10USD) over the last few days. At current prices, I believe this still holds. Most of the cards are similar in price if you simply want to purchase the Gold Foil version instead.
For an average of about $2USD/card, I feel all of these cards aren't being talked about enough right now.
Keep in mind that you'll need to have a have a levelled up summoner as well. I don't even own one, I rent all of those. So that will have to be up to you whether you want to buy those as well, or rent them out.

The 1-mana cards. At first glance, they seem like some decent enough cheap picks.
For most of them, when they hit level 2 or 3, they unlock some seriously useful abilities.
So, let's introduce these 1-mana titans!


#1 Chaos Agent

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First off the list we have the new 1-mana Neutral.
At level 1, like every card on this list, it's really only good for taking a single hit up front.
At level 2, you unlock the Dodge Ability. Making this surprisingly useful.
To have a frontline with dodge for such a low cost is actually very good.
In low mana fights, this extra mini-tank up front can make or break the game.
In Equalizer fights, this card becomes an absolute tank against physical attacks.
For an added bonus, you can level it to level 3, and it gains that 1 extra HP.
Overall, very versatile, cheap and useful to have in your deck.


#2 Mycelic Morphoid

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Introducing what I consider yet another mini-tank, we have the 1-mana Earth card.
At level 3 this card unlocks the Thorns ability.
This card is very similar to the first one. I would consider it more useful, however it's not a Neutral splinter and thus can't be used as often as Chaos Agent.
However, especially when you expect the enemy to have a frontline Melee, this card is basically a free 2 damage on their frontline and takes a hit for your frontline.
Especially with the new Magic Taunt card, Mycelic Slipspawn, this makes a great frontline choice.
Like any low cost card, this does great in Equalizer battles.
It does especially well in any Melee-related rulesets, such as Melee Mayhem.
Probably my second favorite on this list.


#3 Radiated Scorcher

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Here we have the amazing 1-mana Fire card. My personal Favorite.
At level 3, it unlocks Shatter. Destroying all armor in a single hit.
With the new +1 Melee/HP Summoner, Tarsa, this card becomes quickly useful.
In a standard battle with no special rules, this card is not much more than a good choice if you have 1 mana leftover.
This card really shines in the melee-related rulesets.
Melee Mayhem, Equal Opportunity, and Super Sneak.
Any of these, this card is amazing. You can still have your usual tank setup, while having this somewhere in the backline. Either being a cheap source of damage, or a way to destroy armor on the enemy team.
In Armored Up and Reverse Speed, this can be a good Frontline option as well.


#4 Gargoya Scrapper

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Here we have the new 1-mana Light card.
At level 3, this champion unlocks Void.
There are better 1-mana fills for Light splinter, so this is a decent and cheap frontline.
It does have the ability to be quite powerful if low mana fights, if you expect the enemy to use Magic.
It's also quite a tank in Equalizer fights. Definitely not to be underestimated there.
Overall, having the option of Void on a 1-mana card can win you the game at times, and is a nice option to have. With 2HP, it can often take 2 hits before going out.


#5 Carrion Shade

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Finally, we have the 1-mana Death card.
At level 3, this card unlocks Flight.
This card can be a decent Frontline option if you have a mostly Magic/ranged team.
I mainly will use this card in Earthquake battles, if I'm not using Brighton Bloom and I have some mana leftover.
It's also nice for Super Sneak as a backline, it adds some damage and can possibly cause a few misses.
Like all of these cards, it's a good choice in Equalizer battles.
Personally I think this is the least useful, but pretty good nonetheless.
Overall, it's still a decent card in normal fights and can be quite powerful in niche circumstances.



Thanks for reading!

I hope you all enjoyed the read, and hopefully someone benefited from it haha!
Let me know what cards you've been working on collecting in the comments!

Best of luck, have a wonderful day.


These look like pretty decent tips for a new investor to build a collection.
Good research there and congrats on the cheap picks!

I like your strategies based on the different cards.

Thank you for bringing the Common Earth Mycelic Morphoid to my attention!! I love low mana cards! I found 6 of those already in my deck, not having considered them. There are so many new cards!! And I love it to explore those mostly by being confronted in battles.

I immediately bought just enough cards for reaching level 3 with thorns (pic). Having card bids at $ 0.07 this looked to be a good deal to grab it immediately. Next to all you wrote this is a great defence against opportunity when I don't want to play the Earth Summoner Mylor Crowling. And especially since I currently rented it out for being a very popular card.

Actually, I wanted to buy a few copies at auction, but it turned out, the price is too high for me to play them myself only here and there. So I'm curious to see how this develops. Soooo many cards to discover right now!

Anyway, I then bought some more Mycelic Morphoid and have sent you a level 2 for my thank you.

Screenshot at 2021-12-27 16-10-43 anjanida Peakmonsters buying Mycelic Morphoid.png

Still !PIZZA available.

Thanks for the follow and replies! ❤️ It was a nice surprise to get a card when I logged on this morning haha. I think now my favorites are still Morphoid and Scorcher, they are just such useful abilities to have for a 1 mana card.
I agree, there are tons of great cards to discover now and lots of great strategies as well. It's been a lot of fun exploring all of that recently.